Abstract When people come to a new place, they are likely to need time to adapt to the new life and maybe encounter some problems。 Also, international students who come to China will also have similar situations。 They have to adapt themselves to the new environment, both physically and psychologically。 Based on this, the author chooses three South Korean students in our school, Hangzhou Normal University (HZNU) to do the research。88467

The research is conducted by means of interview。 The interview questions are about their basic information, their adaptation on campus, both socio-cultural adaptation and psychological adaptation, and their suggestions to both the administration and future South Korean students。 The questions about their adaptation are designed respectively on the basis of two scales: Socio-cultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS) and the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (ZSDS)。 Questions about their socio-cultural adaptation mainly include those about food, accommodation, study, communication and social interaction, and questions about their psychological adaptation covers if they have pressure and their overall mood。

Generally speaking, the adaptation of the three subjects is pretty good, according to their interviews。 At least two of them adapt well enough in all the aspects that the interview has covered。 Another one adapts not as well as the other two in terms of communication and social interaction due to her relatively poor language competence。 Apart from the language competence, they do encounter some problems more or less, such as few dishes to their taste, noise in the dormitory building, etc。

Key words: cross-cultural adaptation; South Korean students; HZNU。

Table of Contents

Abstract I

Table of Contents II

Chapter One Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the Study 2

1。3 Research Questions 3

1。4 Structure of the Thesis 3

Chapter Two Literature Review 5

2。1 Important Terms 5

2。1。1 Culture 5

2。1。2 Cross-cultural Adaptation 5

2。1。3 Sojourner 7

2。2 Searle and Ward’s Adaptation Theory 7

2。3 Two Scales of Measuring the Adaptation 8

2。3。1 The Zung Self-rating Depression Scale 8

2。3。2 The Socio-cultural Adaptation Scale 9

Chapter Three Methodology 10

3。1 Instrument 10

3。2 Interview Questions Design 10

3。3 Subjects 12

3。4 Interview Processing 12

Chapter Four Results and Analysis 14

4。1 General Situation 14

4。2 Analysis of the Reasons of Choosing China and HZNU 14

4。3 Analysis of Two Scales 15

4。3。1 Socio-cultural Adaptation 15

4。3。2 Psychological Adaptation 19

Chapter Five Conclusion 21

5。1 Findings

















