Abstract Based on the comparative analysis approach,this thesis mainly studiesassociation between Lawrence's personal emotional experience and Sons andLovers,from which we can sum up the several affairs of Lawrence which bringshim different life experience, insights,and Lawrence’s thinking venation—fromthe confused feelings experience to reflection of gender relationship, from thesex--the most important factor of his knowledge system, to reflection of personalvalues and humanity. By analyzing that the theme of this thesis would bederived: the harmonious gender relationship is based on the unity of body andsoul. The second part of the contents is analysis of our sex puzzles—sexualdisharmony is a major factor in the breakdown of marriage, and which isbecoming increasingly important .62535
Keywords: comparative analysis;personal values ;gender relationship; sexPuzzles
摘要本文以对比分析的方法为基础, 主要是研究劳伦斯的个人感情经历和 《儿子与情人》的关联,总结出几段感情带给劳伦斯的不同的人生体验和感悟和劳伦斯的思想脉络,从困惑的感情体验到对两性关系的思考,从性——他的认识体系中最为重要的一个因素,到对个人价值的实现和人性的思考。通过分析这部分内容最终得出本课题的主题即:和谐的两性关系是建立在灵与肉的统一之上。第二部分内容是我们现代人的性困惑的浅析,在诸多造成婚姻破裂的因素当中,性生活的不和谐是主要的而且是越来越重要的因素。


1. Introduction1

2. Li t e r a t u r e Re v i ew2

3. Fictional Story: Love Models in Sons and Lovers....3

3.1 Doomed Marriage between Mr. Morel and Mrs. Morel..........3

3.2 Paul and Mrs. Morel........4

3.3 Love between Paul and Miriam,Claire and Paul.............5

4. Conceptions of Sex Relations of Lawrence.......5

4.1 Man andWoman can be Invigorated by Sexual Intercourse........5

4.2 Inpidual can Seek Self-fulfillment through Sex.............6

4.3 Perfect Love Bases on Perfect Combination of Soul and Flesh........6

5. Real Experience: Childhood Of Lawrence And His Love Affairs......6

5.1 Doomed Marriage between Lawrence’s Father and Mother.......6

5.2 Mother’s Spiritual Control on Him and Oedipus Complex........7

5.3 His Love Affairs with Jessie Chambers, Louis Barros, and His

Marriage with Frida................................................................................8

5.4 Comparison between Real Persons and Characters in Literature...........9

6. Modern Confusion on Sex and Possible Solutions......9

7. Conclusion......10

Works Cited.11
1. IntroductionBeing a novelist, critic, poet, playwright and a painter, David Herbert Lawrence(1885-1930) is universally regarded as one of the most influential figures in the 20thcentury. Born in the midlands mining village of Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, he wasthe fourth child of a failed schoolteacher and an illiterate coal miner, Lawrence’s firstmajor work, the famous semi-autobiographical novel Sons and Lovers was themasterpiece in modernism literature.In his short life, Lawrence created a great number of works such as Rainbow,Women in Love, Lady Chatterley’s Lover and so on. All these works mentioned abovedealt with the subject of gender relations and presented his view on women, love andmarriage. Another salient feature of his works was the combination of the socialtheme and psychological analysis. “As a master who represented the working class, hehad experienced the evil effect of industrialization and the danger of alienation.Therefore, he held the opinion of fighting against the industrialization and praised thepure nature and life.” (Wang Suqing, 2012:2) He encouraged the harmoniousrelationship between sexes, hoping that it could rebuild the society. The bold opinionabout sex and his hatred towards the industrialization made him and his worksattacked by some critics in British society. All his conceptions of sex and genderrelationships are means that he sought to try to help people find a way out who wereexposed to industrialization cultural pressure,and whose sense of moral degradedseriously.However,his attempt only worked to some extent.His novels were bannedfor a long time and at the time of his death his public reputation was that of apornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. But this could not cover thesignificance of his novels.

















