Abstract  Generation gap has been an instigator of the contradiction between mother and daughter. To the Chinese-American mother and daughter, the cultural gap exacerbating the contradictions. The Joy Luck Club of Amy Tan is to analysis the conflicts between mother and daughter to reflect the Sino-US cultural conflicts.  Because of different cultural background, traditional Chinese mothers and "Banana Man" daughters,  continuously have collision of values, family ethics,  thinking patterns,which shows the differences between the two generations of Chinese-American mother and daughters  influenced by the heterogeneous Sino-US cultures. The four mothers  and  their daughters misunderstood each other at first,  and then  finally  come to understand, which expresses  a new identity of immigrant culture:Keep the essence, discard the dregs. Never lose your heart and you can be successful. Only when immigrants have a deeper comprehension and identity of this particular immigrant culture, can they make a profound impact on the relationship and communication between the immigrant nation and their motherland.  62536
Key words: The Joy Luck Club; Cultural Collision; Cultural Identity
摘要  代沟一直是母女矛盾的始作俑者。对于美籍华人母女而言,文化代沟更加重了矛盾与冲突。谭恩美的《喜福会》就是用母女之间的矛盾来体现中美文化冲突。传统中国母亲与“香蕉人”女儿由于文化背景不同,在价值观念、家庭伦理、行为性格等方面不断碰撞,展现了中美两种异质文化影响下两代美籍华人母女之间的差异。四位母亲与他们的女儿从最初的误解艰难的走到最终的理解,表达了对移民文化的新态度:取其精华,去其糟粕。不忘初心,方得始终。移民在对这种特殊的移民文化有了更深入的理解和认同后,将会对其本民族和所在国之间的关系和交流产生深远影响。 


 1. Introduction  .  1 

2. Literature Review   2 

2.1 Amy Tan and Her Works  ..  2 

2.2 Relevant Research on The Joy Luck Club  ..  2 

3. The Conflicts between American and Chinese Culture Embodied 

in The Joy Luck Club  .  3 

3.1 Values of American and Chinese  .  3 

3.2 Family Ethics of American and Chinese .  5 

3.3 Thinking patterns of American and Chinese .  6 

3.4. Cultural Backgrounds of America and China  ..  8 

4. Comprehension and Identity of American Culture and Chinese 

Culture ..  9 

4.1 Comprehension between Mothers and daughters    9 

4.2 Culture Identity  ..  11 

4.3 Implications..  13 

5. Conclusion .  14 

Works Cited    16 
1. Introduction   The Joy Luck Club of Amy Tan mainly talks about the relationships between Chinese immigrant mothers and the new generation daughters born in America. In the history of China, women has never gain as much respect as man except in maternal society, especially during the war of liberation, China women live in a difficult society. The four mothers in the story are among those women, they went to America to find a new life which is totally different with other women who are just enduring to the end. They still keep  their Chinese tradition. However, their daughters, who were born in America, are the second generation immigrants; they always misunderstand their mothers’ Chinese culture and way of thinking. To make their daughters understanding them and their Chinese culture, the mothers have made pain—striving to narrow their culture gap. They grasp every opportunity to tell their daughters their past experiences, demonstrate their courage to challenge the feudal society and keep on extending maternal love to their daughters. Thanks to their great efforts, their purpose is fulfilled; their cultural gap is narrowed.   This thesis mainly talks about how the first generation of Chinese  immigrants and their daughters treat with contradiction between Chinese traditional culture and American culture, as well as how they deal with the conflict. Viewing contradiction and conflict of Amy Tan's  The Joy Luck Club  from the cross-cultural perspective, persities caused by collision of heterogeneous culture can be specifically pided into four aspects: value、family ethics、thinking pattern、culture backgrounds, which are represented by Chinese immigrant mothers and Americanized daughters. Most importantly, after a series of misunderstandings, the two generations are in harmony, which means cultural compatibility between China and America. It brings hope that contradiction or oppositions in our lives between past and present, between generation and between cultures can be possibly even well reconciled. Nowadays, more and more Chinese immigrants pursue more physical or mental development. Such as a better education、  a better business、a better living environment、and  pursuit of truth  or personal happiness. 文献综述

















