Abstract  Since 2014 Beijing APEC summit, global trade has shown new developments. In this summit, China and South Korea finally reached the agreement of signing the China-ROK FTA, a result of 14 rounds of negotiation lasting 10 years. The signing of China-ROK FTA is highly concerned by members of APEC, especially  by Japan and Taiwan.  With the APEC as a background, after  introducing the current trade relationship between China and South Korea,  this paper explores the main obstacles of China-ROK FTA negotiation before 2014  Beijing APEC summit,  and analyses the factors promoting the negotiation and signing of China-ROK FTA after 2014. Finally, this paper discusses the main content of China-ROK FTA and  its impacts  on China, South of Korea, and other members of APEC.  The author hopes this paper will help people to have a better understanding of China-ROK trade relations and the strategic significance of China- ROK FTA.  62537
Key words: APEC; China-ROK trade; China-ROK FTA   
摘要  全球贸易在 2014 年北京 APEC 峰会后又有了新的发展。中韩两国在此次峰会上最终确定签订中韩 FTA 的意向。中韩 FTA 历经 14 轮谈判,跨时长达十年。即将签订的中韩 FTA 受到了 APEC 其他成员,尤其受到日本和台湾的高度关注。本论文以 APEC为背景,介绍中韩两国间的贸易现状,探讨2014年前中韩 FTA谈判未能取得成功的主要障碍,分析促成2014年后两国就继续 FTA开展进一步谈判并达成签订意向的因素。最后,论文就即将签订的中韩FTA的主要内容以及中韩FTA对中、韩和其他 APEC成员国可能产生的影响进行进一步的探讨。 希望本论文能帮助人们更深入的了解APEC背景下的中韩贸易关系以及中韩FTA的战略意义。 


 1. Introduction.. 1 

2. Literature Review.. 1 

3. Purpose of Establishing APEC and its Influence on China-Korea Trade . 2 

3.1 Purpose of Establishing APEC  3 

3.2 Influence of APEC on China-ROK Trade .. 3 

4. China-ROK FTA before 2014 . 6 

4.1 Negotiation of China-ROK FTA before 2014 .. 6 

4.2 Barriers of China-ROK FTA Negotiation before 2014. 7 

4.3 Factors Promoting Further Negotiation of China-ROK FTA. 8 

5. China-ROK FTA after 2014 Beijing APEC . 10 

5.1 Drafting China-ROK FTA.. 11 

5.2 Significance of Signing China-ROK FTA in the Near Future  11 

6. Conclusion .. 16 

Works Cited. 17 
1. Introduction China and South Korea are contiguous to each other. These two countries are highly complementary in natural resources,  labor resources and  industrial structure, which leads to their cooperation in various industries.   Since  China and South Korea established diplomatic relation in August 24, 1992, China-ROK (China and  Republic of Korea) trade has achieved a boom  and mutually beneficial cooperation. They become an important trading partner to each other. China and South Korea  strengthen  their  bilateral relations and cooperation  continually in bilateral relations, and jointly promote the process of cooperation in Northeast Asia. The volume of trade between China and South Korea was just over 50 billion dollars at the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992;  however, the  volume of trade is expected to arrive at 3,000 billion dollars in 2015, said Mr. Xi Jinping on July 3rd, 2014.   In what kind of situation has China-ROK trade developed so quickly? First, we must mention  Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC. Along with the development of APEC, the trade form between China and South Korea has transformed from indirect trade to direct trade. Moreover, after 2014 Beijing APEC meeting, China and South Korea have come to an agreement on Free Trade Agreement (FTA).  In this case, we can tell that the trade relation between China and South Korea has become more important than ever. 

















