Abstract Since Wilde is one of the advocates of British aesthetic movement, scholars at home and abroad have mainly focused primarily on the aestheticism reflected in the text, but they have neglected the protagonist’s process to the integrated Jung’s self. Therefore, this paper attempts to interpret the four fairy tales collected in The Happy Price and Other Fairy Tales from the perspective of Jungian archetypal theory. Firstly, through the analysis of archetypal images in “The Happy Prince” and “The Nightingale and The Rose”, it shows the self-transformation of the leading characters, which also reveals the real world Wilde wanted to create. In addition, through the analysis of the inpiduation of “The Young King” and ”Star-Child”, it discloses the process that the main characters try to find the real heart and how they constantly improve themselves to become stronger. Thus the Jungian reading enhances the readability and profundity of the short story collection, and helps to explain why it has stood out as a classic.64093

Key words: Wilde; Jungian archetypal theory; archetypal images; inpiduation



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Jung's Archetypal Theory 2

4. Archetypal Images in The Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales 3

4.1 The Definition of the Archetypal Image 3

4.2 Tyro and Mentor in “The Happy Prince” 3

4.3 Anima and Animus in “The Nightingale and the Rose” 5

5. The Inpiduation in The Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales 7

5.1 The Definition of Inpiduation 7

5.2 Inpiduation of “The Young King” 7

5.3 Inpiduation of “The Star-Child” 9

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction 

Wilde (1854-1900) is a representative of the nineteenth century British aestheticism in the English literary world which is also a controversial and legendary figure. Most people who know something about Oscar Wilde think of him as a sophisticated British gentleman of the late Victorian era who is a witty conversationalist and playwright. He not only is unconventional but also enjoys being outrageous by the standards of his time and place. He is deservedly famous for his brilliant plays and other works he wrote for adults. In addition to clever plays, poignant poetry, critical essays and reviews, and any other magazine articles, Wilde concocts several fairy tales and other stories which explore human virtues and vices. So he is also a wonderful writer of two charming volumes of fairy tales for children. He is famous for The Picture of Dorian Gary and The House of Pomegranates. In his tales, Animals and plants, as well as people, have personality, emotions, and the ability which can affect human.

















