Abstract With the rapid development of the film industry, a large number of foreign films into the country, especially in English, not only offer plenty of chances but for the Chinese audiences to enjoy the audio-visual feast of foreign culture. While watching film, the quality of subtitle translation will directly lay influence in audiences’ comprehension of the plot of film. Therefore, film subtitle translation attracts more and more attention. Film is one variety of the entertainments for people, which determines that the subtitle translation should be directed by the understanding of the target audiences. What should be accurately and appropriately delivered include the plot, the main characters and relevant cultural information. In addition, the movie is a cultural carrier with rich communicative function; by watching movie, people of different countries can learn the cultures of other countries and then promote their communication. Thus, to select the communicative translation theory to guide the movie subtitle translation is very of great significance. In this thesis the author takes the subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda as a case to study film subtitle translation with communicative translation theory. Because the communicative translation focus on the reader’s understanding and response, so it is also in order to enable the reader to obtain the greatest degree of purpose and feelings of the author in hopes of to achieve the film and effective communication of the audience.64092. 

Keywords: subtitle translation;communicative translation theory;Kung Fu Panda




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Previous studies on Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory 2

2.2 Previous studies on film subtitle translation in KungFu Panda 3

3. Analysis of Subtitle Translation in Kung Fu Panda with Communicative Translation Theory 5

3.1 The application of the Semantic translation theory 5

3.2 The application of the Communicative transaltion theory 6

4. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction

With the deepening of the globalization, as an important means of cultural medium, the film plays a very important role in cross-cultural communication. The introduction of a large number of foreign films, especially English films not only offer chances for the Chinese audiences to enjoy the audio-visual feast of foreign culture, but also makes the film subtitle translation attract more and more attention. Now the number of audiences watching foreign film is even larger than that of the readers of literary translation. Obviously, film subtitle translation now is of the same importance as other literary translation. Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultures, English film subtitle translation must be examined from the angle of cross-cultural communication, and translators need to overcome the double barriers on language and culture. The public should take into consideration the characteristics of film subtitles, convey the film contents accurately with various translation strategies and make the audiences fully understand and appreciate the English film artistic value and cultural artistic conception. This thesis mainly studies the subtitle translation with communicative translation theory, and deeply analyses subtitle translation features in Chinese version of Kung Fu Panda, and then discusses the translation strategies the translator employs.

















