Abstract Sex is one of the eternal themes of the human beings. Everyone may encounter problems about sex, but only an artist can make it into something of value. British writer, Virginia Woolf is the pioneer of modern literature, and she also is a pioneer of the feminist movement. The analysis on sex in her novels is rather unique and thought-provoking. This paper aims to analyze Woolf Virginia’s theory of the androgyny, and to interpret her novel Orlando to reveal the gender ideal. 63482

This paper is pided into four parts. The first part is an introduction, which briefly introduces Virginia Woolf, her work Orlando and the concept of androgyny. The second part summarizes and analyzes the history of androgyny and androgyny from the view of Woolf. In the third part, this paper will analyze the androgyny in Orlando including the female traits in male Orlando, the male traits in female Orlando and the conflict and harmony of two Orlandoes to unveil the truth and philosophy of life through the character. The last part is conclusion. 

Key Words: androgyny, Woolf, female traits, male traits

摘要 性别是困惑人类的永恒主题之一。每个人都会遇到性别问题,然而只有艺术家才能将其升华为有价值的东西。英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是现代文学的开拓者,是女性主义运动的先驱,她在小说创作中对人类性别的关注、思考和剖析也独具特色、发人深省。本文旨在通过分析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的双性同体理论,解读伍尔夫的奇幻小说《奥兰多》并揭示其性别理想。




Acknowledgments i

Abstract ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Virginia Woolf and Orlando 1

1.2 Orlando 2

1.3 Androgyny 2

2 Androgyny and Woolf’ s Androgynous Vision 4

2.1 History of Androgyny 4

2.2 Different Views on Androgyny 5

2.3 Woolf’s Androgynous Vision 6

3 Androgyny in Orlando: Vacillation and Integrity 9

3.1 Female Traits in Male Orlando 9

3.2 Male Traits in Female Orlando 14

3.3 Conflict and Harmony of Two Orlandoes 18

4 Conclusion 20

Bibliography 21

1 Introduction

In the novel Orlando, the hero Orlando is a poet who is on the way to find the meaning of life, love and the true meaning of creation. In the process of seeking the so-called truth, Orlando has been abandoned by the Russian princess Sasha, and at the same time his works has been criticized and laughed at by the writer Green. He has experienced the change of gender, finally realized the new change of himself. According to Fu said in her work Androgyny in Orlando, it is the most exaggerated work in Virginia Woolf’s creations, with its sex mutation, spanning space-time and other distinctive characteristics attracting a large number of readers, and it contains the social and historical sense and gender identity, creativity and other issues together, which becomes an important object in the feminist studies (Fu, 2004). Now, there are some introduction of the novel and its author.

















