Abstract Jack London, a famous realist writer in America. He is one of the most popular and influential authors in America even in the world. His work White Fang expresses worship of the life itself, the meaning of life and the pursuit of the original form of spiritual freedom. The success of White Fang’s survival and his return to civilization are made detailed based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. His experiences are analyzed to conclude that the fittest survive and competition is everywhere. These prove both humans and animals in competition should not only respect and love life, but also explore and adapt to the nature in the growth. 66076

Key words: White Fang; survival of the fittest; competition; life




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 3

2.1 A Review of White Fang Studies Abroad 3

2.2 A Review of White Fang Studies at Home 3

3. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution 4

4. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in White Fang 5

4.1 Originating from the Wilderness 5

4.2 Surviving in the Cruel Environment 6

4.3 Returning to Civilization 7

5. The Illuminations of White Fang 9

5.1 Passion and Respect for Life in Competition 9

5.2 Adaptation to and Respect for the Law of Nature 10

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction 

Jack London (1876-1916) is an American novelist and short story writer. He was born in San Francisco in 1876. His father was a bankrupt farmer in a poor family. London spent his adolescence as an oyster pirate, a seaman, a Yukon prospector and a tramp. These experiences, while giving him a lifelong sympathy with the working class, did not prevent him from acquiring an education. Ina Coolbrith, a poet laureate of California and a librarian. She introduced Jack London to literature and lent him Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina from her private library. London became empty-handed after joining the ranks of Canada’s gold-digger, so he concentrated on his writing. London’s experiences in the Far North led to the writing of The Call of the Wild and White Fang. His novels were an immediate success and brought him fame and wealth at an early age. The images of his characters were with a distinct personality. His stories are compact, lively and quite appealing. Jack London was considered the highest-paid best-known and most popular writer in the world by 1913. Despite his enormous fortune, London’s last years, marked by excessive drinking, were full of despair. In 1916, at the age of forty, Jack London died of uremia and of a possibly self-induced drug overdose. 文献综述

In London’s time, America was a Darwinian country. In the industrial society when struggle for life was very cruel, many realists and scholars demonstrated a lot concerns for the issue of human being’s survival. Jack London was heavily influenced by Darwinism; his works exerted a great influence on the birth and development of naturalism with the influences of American conditions after the civil war. With the deepening of American industrialization process, peace and harmony of the original agricultural civilization was broken. People trapped into the helplessness and lamentations of the rural life. And idealized rural life gradually being replaced by indifferences and fear, as a result American social spirit crisis emerged, which was full of depravity and despair. With public ideals were generally suspected under American agricultural civilization, strong religious belief and nostalgic national mentality gradually dying with the industrialization process. However, the new ideals would supplement and replace the old ideals, so the new industrial capitalists replaced God and spiritual sustenance and had been a representative of American public’s new cultural ideals. As the constant improvement of the degree of economic monopoly, people felt that there was an invisible iron hand ruling them. People found that inapprehensible power was in control of them in their survival but did not know what the power was, which gradually led to people’s pessimism.

















