Abstract  This thesis mainly focuses on the two translation strategies: domestication and foreignization in fiction translation. It offers a brief introduction of the two strategies and their application in China and abroad and analyzes the original novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles and its two Chinese versions by Zhang Guruo and Sun Fali. The paper also introduces Zhang’s translation theory and states the reason for choosing the English and two Chinese versions of Tess. In addition, the article expounds how cultural factors and difference in thinking mode have an effect on the choice of domesticating and foreignizing strategies in the two versions. With sufficient examples from the two versions, the essay further affirms the conclusion from other studies that Zhang’s translation is more domesticating while Sun’s more foreignizing.65536

Key words: domestication; foreignization; Tess of D’urbervilles; culture;  thinking mode                 




1. Introduction 1

2.Literature Review 2

3.An Analysis of the English and Two Chinese Versions of Tess of D'urbervilles 4

3.1Zhang’s Translation Theory 4

3.2The Reason for Choosing the English and Two Chinese Versions of Tess of D'urbervilles as Research Topic 5

4. A Comparative Analysis of Domesticating Strategy and Foreignizing Strategy Adopted in the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of D'urbervilles 5

4.1 Cultural Level 5

4.1.1Historical Elements 6

4.1.2Religious Elements 9

4.1.3 Translator’s Personal Value 10

4.2 Thinking Mode Level    11

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

 1. Introduction 

     With the development of society, nations of the world are increasingly communicating with each other, which aroused schorlars’ interest in fiction translation, especially in the last two decades. There has been a hot debate between foreignizing translation and domesticating translation with the publication of Venuti’s book The Translators’ Invisibility(1995). These two concepts are based on F.Schleiermacher(1813)’s belief that “there are only two translation methods. One is that the translator leaves the reader in peace....and moves the author towards him. Another is that the translator leaves the author in peace and moves the reader towards him” (Venuti 2004: 19-20).

     Recently, these two translation strategies have been widely applied to translation practice, such as advertisement translation and literature translation. And it was the latter one that captures my eyes. Take Tess of D’urbervilles for example, which was a masterpiece of  Thomas Hardy wrote in 1891. The novel has been translated into several versions by Chinese writers, among whom Zhang Guruo(1984) and Sun Fali(1993) are prominent. Plenty of scholars, who found out that Zhang’s version is more domesticating, while Sun’s version is more foreignizing, have made contrastive analyses between the two Chinese versions of Tess of D’urbervilles by Zhang(1984) and Sun(1993). In this essay, the author will further make a verification of the conclusion at two different levels: culture mode and thinking mode, with more detailed examples. Studies of the application of the two translation strategies in Tess of D’urbervilles will trigger new insights of translation in other novels.      

















