
毕业论文关键词:  张爱玲   《倾城之恋》   女性意识

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   Fission of female living conditions and Personality in Love in a Fallen City 


On the basis of the background and research of Chinese female literature criticism in the early twentieth century, especially the modern female writer Eileen Chang’s creation concept and main achievements, this paper is to analyze the awakening of female consciousness and its limitation and incompleteness. 

Besides, with the application of the theory of feminist literary criticism, the reference of the description of Scarlet in Gone with the wind, the methodology of content analysis,comparative method and the study of documents, this paper is to study Bai Liusu’s view of life and marriage, compare the similarities and differences between Bai Liusu and Scarlet, analyse the social and historical cause.

Keywords    Eileen Chang   Love in a Fallen City   female consciousness   

Table of Contents

1  Introduction1

1.1 The Background of the Research 1

1.2 Research Design and Methodology 2

2 The Awakening of Female Consciousness 2

2.1 Eileen Chang’s View of Female Consciousness 3

3 Bai Liusu’s View of Life and Marriage  5

4 The Cause of the Phenomenon 7

Conclusion . 10

Acknowledgments . 11


1 Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Research  

As one of most influential writers in 20th century,Eileen Chang created a new vision of female criticism literature, and her remarkable achievement exerted a great influence on later generations. She frequently described the tensions between men and women in love and marriage to discover our real nature, and are considered by some scholars to be among the best Chinese literature of the period (Gao Shenghua, 2010: 157; Li Xiaohua, 2007: 85; Yan Sanjiu,1996: 57). 文献综述

In 1943, she published Love in a Fallen City at the age of 23. The novel established her status in the literary world. The story happened after the fall of Hong Kong in 1941. Love in a Fallen City tells the story of Bai Liusu’s marriage and remarriage. Bai Liusu was born in a declining aristocratic family in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. She first married Tang Yiyuan, from one of the richest families in Shanghai, and porced him years later. She lived off the porce property for eight years. The story began from Tang’s death, Bai’s mercenary relatives wanted to evict her to Tang’s family. She couldn’t stand relatives’ fleer and venality. In order to survive from the difficult situation, Bai Liusu turned to another marriage. Bai Liusu could best represent the survival state of female characters depicted by Eileen Chang. She had racked her brain trying to cater to Fan Liuyuan, a good-looking diamond bachelor and a playboy at the same time. Fan Liuyuan was an illegitimate child and became destitute after his father’s death. Eventually Fan Liuyuan won the case and inherited his father’s legacy. At first, Fan were not willing to marry Bai. It was the Japanese Conquest of Hong Kong in 1941 that helped Bai shake off the identity of his mistress and get legally married with Fan Liuyuan. However, Bai still lacked a sense of security in their relationship. It was ironic that Fan’s flashy lives gave her a sense of security. Her sister-in-law even wanted to follow her and get a porce.

















