Abstract Suzanne Collins is an American children’s television screen writer and a world renowned best-selling author as well. Her masterpiece The Hunger Games trilogy chronicles a history of war, slavery and rebellion, in which the young adults, represented by the heroine Katiness, try to fight against oppression, get close to nature, and continually build up and broaden their identification with other beings. Ecological theme is deeply embedded in the trilogy.Katniss’s eco-consciousness would be explored from three aspects. First, external factors in shaping Katniss’s eco-consciousness are presented, including the imbalanced ecological status quo of Panem and the significant influence tat Katniss’s father、partner Peeta and sister Primrose had on her. Second, awakening of Katiss’s eco-consciousness is shown in her ecological practices of getting close to nature, deviating from the rules of the Hunger Games, and fighting against government oppression. Third, deepening of Katniss’s eco-consciousness in The Hunger Games Trilogy is discussed, namely, the process of broadening identification. Katniss’s identification circle developed gradually from family and friends, districts’ civilians to the numb citizens in the Capitol, during which her eco-consciousness is deepened.67950

Key words: The Hunger Games; Suzanne Collins; Katniss; Eco- consciousness

摘要苏珊.柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)是美国成功的儿童电视节目编剧,也是全球知名的畅销作家。她所创作的《饥饿游戏》三部曲记叙了一部战争、奴役、反抗的历史。小说中以女主人公凯特尼斯为代表的青少年反抗压迫、亲近自然,且不断建立和扩大与他人的认同,这一主题蕴藏着深刻的生态意识。




1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

3. The Ecological Status Quo of Panem ..3

3.1 Disharmony between Human and Nature ..3

3.2 Alienation among Human Beings...5

4. Influential Persons in Shaping Katniss’s Eco-consciousness..6

5. Awakening of Katniss’s Eco-consciousness...6

5.1 Getting Close to Nature..6

5.2 Deviating from Rules of the Hunger Games..7

5.3 Fighting Against Governmental Oppression..7

6. Deepening of Katniss’s Eco-consciousness...8

7. Conclusion...9

Works Cited...11

1. Introduction 

Suzanne Collins is an American television screenwriter. She is also best known as the author of The New York Times best selling series The Hunger Games trilogy, including The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. The Hunger Games trilogy takes place in Panem, the remains of a North America where a highly civilized central city named the Capitol reigns supreme over its 12 outlying, impoverished districts. As a punishment and reminder for a prior districts’ rebellion, two tributes from each district –a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18 are selected via lottery called the reaping to fight to death in a high-teach arena in the annual nationally televised Hunger Games. Only one victor remains. The story follows the narration of the heroine Katniss who volunteers to replace her young sister to join the 74th Hunger Games.来!自~优尔论-文|网www.youerw.com

















