Abstract Ralph Ellison, a contemporary American black writer, is famous for his representative work Invisible Man, which creates the image of the black with modern ideology. Through referencing the thinking and research results of previous scholars and combined with the background of the times, this paper analyzes the submissive image before self-realization and independent image after self-realization and the reasons. At the same time, this paper analyzes the impact of invisible man as the independent inpidual on the society. 68083

Key words:Ralph Ellison; Invisible Man; self-identity; growth

摘 要拉尔夫·埃里森是美国当代著名的黑人作家,其代表作《看不见的人》塑造了一个具有现代思想意识的黑人形象。本文通过借鉴前人学者的思想方法和研究成果,结合时代背景,分别分析隐形人在实现自我之前顺从的形象和实现自我之后的独立的形象及其产生的原因。同时,本文还分析了隐形人最终成为独立个体对社会带来的影响。



1.Introduction 1


3.The Images of the Invisible Man 3

3.1 Submissive Image of Invisible Man 3

3.2 Reasons for Submissive Image of Invisible Man 4

3.3 Independent Image of Invisible Man 5

3.4 Reasons for Independent Image of Invisible Man 6

4.The Social Significance of Independent Image of Invisible Man 7

4.1 The Impact of Independent Image of Invisible Man on the Black7

4.2 The Impact of Independent Image of Invisible Man on Modern People.8

5. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

Invisible Man was written in the United States in the 20th century, when the United States is in a continuous growth and development stage. The most important literary inspiration was the development of turbulence and change society’s ideological movement, and social thought of literature has been laid a solid foundation. In the 20th-century American society, the status of the disparity between the white and the black, many whites discriminated against the black, leading to the phenomenon that many blacks are not treated equally, and at the time of European intellectual movement, the whole idea of Europe being in its infancy, many people begin to learn and accept Enlightenment ideas. The black position suffered racial discrimination in American society which has been an important issue in American society. It has also been proved to be a underlying theme of African American literature. Although African-Americans, the status of the black is equal access to the white people, such as in the early Civil War in the 20th century. Suffering from the phenomenon of racial discrimination, African-Americans have been greatly reduced. But racial discrimination is a complex social cultural which is also one of the psychological problems. It is not relying on government decrees that can be completely solved. Enlightenment has a great impact on the traditional system of American society at that time. For African-Americans, the economic independence does not mean that the ethnic and cultural been recognized. They believed that all men should be created equally. Every inpidual is the social legitimate citizen, and they should enjoy legal equality, rather than trample the dignity of others. This particular social environment provides realistic materials for Ellison to create his novel Invisible Man, and Ellison is in this particular social environment, his lives and grows deeply influenced by society. His protagonist’s image in the novel is combined with the era background and his own suffering.文献综述

















