
毕业论文关键词  毛姆    自由   弗洛伊德   救赎   梦想

Title  The Analysis of Strickland Escape in the Moon and Sixpence 


W. S. Maugham enjoyed the great reputation as a playwright and novelist in the 20th century and was known as “the English Maupassant”. He lived in the World War time, but he focused his eyes on the topics which was irrelevant with the war. Critics have studied his works in many aspects. But the psychological analysis of his novels was unusual. This paper was going to analyze the Moon and Sixpence with Freud’s psychological analysis theory. This paper focus on Strickland’s departure and its influence on his wife, lover and society. On the basis of detailed analysis of the text, this paper was finding the reason of Strickland’s escaping from the real life by using Freud’s psychological analysis theory and Fromm’s modern freedom theory. 

Key Words   Maugham   Freedom   Freud   Salvation   Dream

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Table of Contents

1  Introduction ......1

1.1  William Somerset Maugham and His Literary Achievements ..1

1.2   Introduction of the Theory of Three Structures of Personality ..2

2   The Theory of Three Structures of Personality ..2

2.1  Super-ego 3

2.2   Ego 4

2.3  Id 5

3  Erich Fromm’s Escaping Theory .6

4  The Psychological Elements in Maugham’s Creation .8

Conclusion . 10

Acknowledgements ..11

Bibliography ..12

1 Introduction

1.1 William Somerset Maugham and His Literary Achievements

William Somerset Maugham was born on January 25, 1874 in Paris. His father is a lawyer of the British embassy. At the age of ten, his parents have passed away, so his uncle raised him in UK. Studying at the King’s School Canterbury, he was bullied and suffered a lot for his stammer. All these made him solitary, sensitive and diffidence. From his literary works, we can see how deep his childhood influenced him. When he spent a year studying at Heidelberg, he got a chance to enter St. Thomas’ medical school, London. He acknowledged the living conditions of the lower class people there during his five years internship and learned to observe life with cold and sharp eyes. His works which described marriage, family and love were popular for his capacity of his deep understanding of human nature. From millionaire, old patrician, actress to bank clerk, his description of those characters when they are generous, nervous or happy best illustrate his comprehension on the inner self of human beings.论文网

Accordingly, his novel attracted the attention of many critics. Until now many researches have been made, which covers many directions, such as feminist and comparative studies. But the psychological analysis of his novels was not usual since the two world wars. In the essays of Richard A. Cordell, the psychological pressure was investigated to demonstrate the story-space which was dramatized in The Moon and Sixpence. The Chinese scholars paid more attention to Maugham since the 1980s. His works were translated into many languages and were brought into China as early as the 1930s. There was a “Maugham Rush” during the 1980s. Critics mainly talked about the themes, characterizations, and narrative techniques. His plays and novels are warmly welcomed by readers but coldly turned down at the door of the world classics.

















