摘要本文对40名英语专业二年级学生在二语写作中指称类衔接手段的运用情况进行了实证研究。以韩礼德提出的语篇衔接理论为依据,以前人所做的相关研究为基石,本文从人称指称和指示指称等方面对所研究的二语作文中衔接方式的使用情况作了定量和定性分析,在研究数据的基础上发掘出了选用影响语篇连贯的衔接方式的一些潜在因素,并对如何提高英语写作水平提出了一些建议,以期帮助英语学习者加强语篇意识, 注意衔接手段的使用, 从而写出话语连贯、质量较高的文章。68221

毕业论文关键词  衔接手段   语篇连贯   指称

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   A Study on the Correlation between Cohesive Devices and Textual Coherence in L2 Writing 


This paper is to study English majors’ use of cohesive devices, especially referential items, in L2 writing through the statistic analysis of 40 English sophomores’ L2 compositions. Based on Halliday’s textual cohesion theory and the results of  researches in this field that have been conducted, this paper is to examine both quantitatively and qualitatively those cohesive devices which may weaken textual coherence from the aspects of personal reference and demonstrative reference, and to find out some potential factors behind the choice of these cohesive devices on the basis of the research result. Some suggestions are also made on how to improve writing ability and strengthen English learners’ textual consciousness in order to help them write out coherent texts of high quality. 

Keywords   Cohesive Devices   Textual Coherence   Reference


Table of Contents

1  Introduction 1

1.1  Research Background ..........................................1

1.2   Purpose and Significance .................................. 1

1.3  Organization of this Paper ....................................................................... 2

2  Textual Cohesion and Coherence . 3

2.1  Textual Cohesion Theory .......3

2.2   Cohesion within the Sentence .......................................................................... 3

2.3   Cohesion: A Necessary but Insufficient Condition of Coherence .... 4

2.3.1   The Concept of Cohesion .................................................................... 4

2.3.2  The Scope of Cohesion ...................................................... 4

2.4   Previous Studies on Cohesion and Coherence .................................. 5

2.5   Concept of Reference ......................................................................... 6

3  Research Content ........... 8

3.1  Research Design and Methodology .. 8

3.2  Results and Discussion . 9

3.2.1   Personal Reference .......... 9

3.2.2   Demonstrative Reference ............................. 12

4  Suggestions on Avoiding Cohesive Devices Weakening Textual Coherence . 14

Conclusion 15

Acknowledgements  16

Bibliography  17

1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Writing, as we all know, is certain to be the most challenging one among the four fundamental language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in English acquisition. Second language writing (L2 writing for short), as one vital language skill and one of the major criteria for appraising the language ability of English learners, has gained more and more emphasis in the study of second language acquisition. On L2 writing, various studies have been carried out in terms of vocabulary, syntax and thinking mode employed during the process of writing and so forth. Through analyzing some existing problems and putting forward feasible suggestions to the point, they have promoted both “teaching” and “acquiring” in L2 writing. However, the overall textual quality of L2 compositions, especially reflected through cohesion and coherence, is yet to be improved.文献综述

















