Abstract Metaphor is a kind of mixture of culture and thought. Qian Zhongshu uses many vivid and humorous metaphors in The Fortress Besieged, and the translators of its English version have tried their best to keep the original features of these metaphors.The paper analyzes the translation of metaphor in the English version of The Fortress Besieged with the name ,food and emotion,trying to find out an effective way of translation of metaphor to make Chinese culture more widespread.Metaphor are commonly used not only in literary work, but also in our daily life. But in these thesis , metaphor is only studied as a rhetorical device .69722

Key words:The Fortress Besieged; metaphor; translation; research




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1Studies on metaphor in the West 2

2.2 Studies on metaphor in China 4

3. The Translation of Metaphor 5

3.1 Concepts of metaphor 5

3.2 Western studies of metaphor translation 6

3.3 Studies of metaphor translation in China 7

4.A Case Study-Metaphor Translation in Fortress Besieged 8

4.1Metaphor in names 8

4.2Metaphor in food 9

4.3Metaphor in emotion 10

4.4 Findings 11

5. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction 

The Fortress Besieged, written by Qian Zhongshu in 1947, is a fantastic satiric novel in the history of Chinese modern and contemporary literature. This novel is popular of its story of love and for its vivid and interesting language. It has enthralled generations of readers with its humor, satire, profound and unique insights into human nature, A great number of metaphors used in this novel are another important feature,which these metaphors that make the novel so unique.

This novel is translated into a large amount of languages. The most well-known English version is translated by Jeanne Kelly, was published in 1979 by Indiana University Press. It achieved a great success immediately after the publication and was award “one of the most outstanding academic works.” by The American Books Association from 1980 to 1981. As translators, Nathan K.Mao and Jeanne Kelly are qualified. (Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K.Mao 8-9) They have enough knowledge of both English and Chinese. Many scholars regard it as a model to research metaphors and they apply different theories to the study on it. The translation of metaphors often faces the dilemma: to keep the original taste or to give a new but similar translation. Different scholars have different standpoints on the problem. This thesis will explore the translation of metaphor in name, food and emotion. Through such analysis, it can be said that the aim of this to look for an effective method for the translation of metaphor in The Fortress Besieged.论文网

2.  Literature Review

Metaphor has its origin in the Greek word ‘Metaphor’ meaning a transfer of meaning”a transfer of meaning. (Richard 64) It is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is utilized to the other and it is the most important role of speech. Aristotle’s metaphorical rhetoric has played profound and lasting influence on the western traditional metaphor theory. The core is: Metaphor is a kind of language phenomenon which has the function of modification. Aristotle’s famous thinks that metaphor is something that happens to be a noun or a name for something ,which conversion by meaning. Transformation relations occur in three aspects. They are from genus to species,from species to genus, from species to species. Aristotle’s interpretation of metaphor as the mechanism of rename and transfer is later developed into “comparison theory” which dominates the traditional study of metaphor.(Keysar,B 57)

















