Abstract Because of the different history and social background, the Chinese and the Western give rise to two different cultures. The catering culture plays a distinctly important part in the traditional culture. According to the differences between Chinese and Western catering cultures, the thesis mainly issues on the specific performances of Chinese and Western diet etiquette. What’s more, this thesis discusses the participation time, table and seating arrangements, the usage of tableware and dining etiquette, and analyses the reasons of the situations by depending on the different performances. Meanwhile, research on the Chinese and western dining etiquette is beneficial to the integration of the Chinese and Western culture. In the catering culture, each country and each region of the nation unconsciously reveal their profound cultural background, the social background, historical and cultural influence on people's life style, sense of time and so on.69721

Keywords: catering culture; dining etiquette; cultural integration




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. The Differences between Chinese Catering Culture and Western Catering Culture 2

3.1 Pre-dinner etiquette 2

3.2 During-dinner etiquette 4

3.3 After-dinner etiquette 9

4. Reasons for the Formation of Differences 10

4.1 Lifestyles 10

4.2 Time concept 10

4.3 Cultural differences 10

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

Catering culture refers to the concept of value on food, cooking, as well as tableware and eating customs, and its customary ways, both of which is generally accepted and passed on by people (Margaret Visor 123). Catering culture is a quite important element of the nation’s culture including the table etiquette and dietary culture. The differences on geographical locations and customs cause the different behaviors, ways, and the knowledge of catering culture and so on. While this difference roots in the different ways of thinking and philosophy of life in China and the West. Chinese people usually pay attention to the "harmony between man and nature". Westerners focus on "people-oriented". Historically, China is one of the oldest countries in the world with a long and cultural history of five thousand years. Therefore, thousands of years have formed a broad and profound culture. Along with the passing of time as well as the difference on vast national territory region, four major cuisines are generally formed, with their own characteristics and persities, and their common is complexity of material fastidious, producing method, various flavors. The west, which takes Europe and America as a representative, whose culture, is similarly well established. Till the Middle Ages, Europe's culture has extremely consummated, the old West's diet culture has already been formed during this period, with its main characteristic: the staple food is given priority to with flour, rich raw material, also more simple production compared with China, while it also simultaneously extremely pays great attention to the taste.  Nowadays, there is no great difference on Chinese catering culture, what’s more, there gradually has some bread and cakes appearing on people’s tables with the influence of western culture, but its general characteristics do not change so much. Studying these differences can help us to have a better understanding of the culture of Chinese and Western to promote close communication between Chinese and Western cultures. This paper mainly issues on the difference between the Chinese and Western table etiquette and dietary culture, and the reasons for these differences.论文网

















