Abstract The theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner has made a tremendous impact on the reformation and development of education all over the world in the past several decades. In China, it is a powerful theoretical support for educators to promote educational reformation, implement educational policy and design classroom teaching. In these years it has been applied to many kinds of subjects and obtained outstanding results. Through researching journal articles, the theory was seldom used to guide English grammar teaching. This study will conduct relevant researches based on the intelligences distribution and the law of somatopsychic development of the students. The aims are departing from traditional teaching method and guiding students to achieve real understanding of grammar knowledge.70922

Keywords: grammar; the theory of multiple intelligences; English teaching

摘要霍华德·加德纳的多元智能理论在过去几十年中对教育的改革和发展产生了 巨大的影响。中国的教育工作者们更是将其作为进行教育改革,贯彻教育方针, 设计课堂教学等等的强有力的理论指导。几十年来,多元智能理论己经被运用到 各科目的课堂教学当中,对课堂教学产生了巨大影响,而对英语教学方面的贡献 更是功不可没。通过浏览期刊论文等可发现,基于多元智能理念指导下的英语语 法教学比较少,所以本论文旨在研究如何打破传统的语法教学方法,运用多元智 能理念研究符合学生智能轮廓和身心发展的教学方法,最终引导学生实现对语法 知识的真正理解和应用。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 The concept and content of grammar 2

2.2 Dynamic grammar teaching research abroad 3

2.3 Dynamic domestic grammar teaching 4

3. Theoretical Framework 5

3.1 Definitions of the theory of multiple intelligences 5

3.2 Structures of the theory of multiple intelligences 5

3.3 Educational connotations of the theory of multiple intelligences 7

4. The Study on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences of Grammar Teaching in High Schools 7

4.1 Teaching disciplines based on the theory of multiple intelligences 8

4.2 Teaching steps on the theory of multiple intelligences 10

4.3. Teaching methods based on the theory of multiple intelligences 13

5. Conclusion 16

Work Cited 17

1. Introduction

In the new century, China is demanding talent proficient in foreign languages for the modern development, but our foreign language teaching methods, especially English teaching methods, still have some difficult issues to resolve in a short time. English learners often only learned how to do the problems, how to test, but did not know how to apply the language. English grammar teaching, in the old-fashioned teaching methods, such as sentence structure, emphasized too much on analysis, practicing grammar rule and spoon-fed indoctrination, coupled with oppressive examination-oriented education. In this way, students mastered the grammar, but they could not write a passage with a clear structure, and accurately express the author’s intention to achieve communicative purpose, which made students feel enormous pressure. When their mind is filled with exams, their overall quality becomes very low. They have no innovation and enthusiasm for learning, so that their learning efficiency becomes lower, and even they become weary of studying. This teaching method has been unable to meet the requirements of social development.

















