Some are for racial discrimination。 There are abound evidence in the novel indicating the different social statuses of Hazara and Pashtun in Afghan。 In Afghanistan, Pashtun is the largest ethnic group, while Hazara is just a minority group。 Unavoidably, Pashtuns takes advantage of Hazaras, which makes Hazaras inferior social status。 In addition, Hazaras bear Asian features that are not honorable among Pashtun。 “Racism is a very predominant theme throughout The Kite Runner。 It is the ethnocentric ideals of the Pashtun people over the Hazaras that ultimately lead to the separation of Amir and Hassan and later Hassan’s death。 The inhumane appearances of racism are displayed early in the novel from Amir’s description of events he and Hassan experienced as children。” Hassan is a Hazara servant, whereas Amir is a Pashtun master。 It seems reasonable that Amir is not willing to treat Hassan as his friend, which finally brought tragedies to different people in this novel。 However, racial discrimination is only an excuse for people who want to bully the vulnerable group。 It is some great human qualities like loyalty that fail such prejudice。 

Some are for religion。 “Handled delicately, the discussion of religious practice is almost essential in any study of literature from Afghanistan。” There is no denying that religion is a universal topic, so is in The Kite Runner。 “In this novel The Kite Runner, religion is almost always present in Amir’s narrative。 It is part of the culture of Afghanistan, and it is a fixture of the everyday life accordingly Amir describes。 The Muslim culture that the characters live by has great importance on their actions and internal emotions。” One of the examples is as follow。 “One is the protagonist’s childhood teacher, who is a very strict follower of religion, called Mullah in Islam which is a respectful way of calling。 Protagonist Amir describe him as a “face full of acne scars and a gruff voice”, and let his students repeat Koran and stressed that they should memorize and pronounce every word so clearly that the God may hear them。 He thinks that drinking is extremely evil and should be punished by hell。” Besides, the matter of drinking is also mentioned in the novel。 As we know, drinking has something related to religion。 In the novel, drinking in public is not allowed, so many people buy drinks in pharmacies and drink in private。 From these, we can see that not every Afghan has belief。 We can regard religion as a theme in this novel。 However, religion just reveals part of Afghan spiritual world。 Beyond religion, Hosseini tends to reveal the true nature of Afghans through the descriptions of different characters, and the complexity of religion is just part to reveal crucial social condition of Afghanistan, which tortures a lot of ordinary Afghans。


“There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes”, says Shakespeare 。People tend to see different themes of the same novel。 “Because its themes of friendship, betrayal, guilt, redemption and the uneasy love between fathers and sons are universal themes, and not specifically Afghan, the book has been able to reach across cultural, racial, religious and gender gaps to resonate with readers of varying backgrounds。” Nevertheless, the different themes more or less relate to Hassan’s loyalty as I have proved above。 文献综述

It is believed that everyone will be impressed by Hassan’s “Loyalty” after reading this novel。 However, is this kind of loyalty the same with the one we usually understand or read through different media? Definitely not。

1。2 Different forms of loyalty to compare

Germany has been labeled as one of the most rigorous nations in the world, not only for its strict attitude to highly qualified industrial products, but also for the manners and beliefs of common German。 In the constitutional law of Germany, “first, the degree of loyalty required of civil servants by the Basic Law and, secondly, whether the duty of loyalty has precedence over fundamental rights, including membership of, and activities on behalf of, a political party。”  “The duty of the civil servant to show political loyalty to the state and constitutional is regarded as a “traditional and binding principle of the professional civil service。”  The loyalty of German is as rigid as legal regulations that are framed in the Law。 Common German, especially the civil servant cannot violate it。 Also, such loyalty goes with inhumanity。 “The history of the German civil service shows that at least since the end of the eighteenth century there has always been a duty of loyalty which found its expression in a loyalty oath。 Whereas during the absolutist monarchy loyalty was owed to the monarch as the embodiment of the state, during the period of constitutional monarchy loyalty was owed to the monarch as bound by the constitution。” Obviously, loyalty here becomes a kind of duty that every man are required to obey, not personal willingness。

















