This thesis is pided into eight parts to discuss the writing intervention of Jane Austen by comparing and induction。 Chapter one is the introduction part。 General introduction includes the background information, the purpose and significance of the study and the organization of the thesis。 Chapter two is literature review。 Chapter three talks about the definition of writing intervention in Emma。 Chapter four discusses the happy ending between Emma Woodhouse and Mr。Knightly, through which unveil part of Jane Austen’s writing intervention。 Chapter five digs into the the marriage between Jane Fairfax and Mr。Churchill, with the detailed information in the plot setting, Austen’s writing intervention will be further disclosed。 Chapter six explores the matrimony of Hariet Smith and Mr。 Martin, adding more demonstration about Austen’s writing intervention。 Chapter seven is the conclusion part, a summary of major findings and limitation of the study。 Chapter eight is the bibliography part。 

2。 Literature review

Shields Carol① , an American born Canadian author, told us that Jane Austen had troubles in her first love and finally she chose to be single all her life。 She has many imaginations on marriages which may not be so convincing for she has never experienced a marriage。 There must be some defects in her view of marriage。

    Hagan John② , the editor of Annual Review of Law and Social Science, said that the ending of Emma is a combination of both conservative and advanced thoughts。 It is conservative because Jane Austen can not break the confinement of social hierarchy demonstrated by her putting Hariet and Martin together。 It is advanced because she dared to portray an imperfect but rich heroin Emma in terms of her age when women can only develop their life by marrying a noble man。 Just as Gillie C③ has mentioned, Women were not only excluded from taking part in political and economic activities, but also had no right to hold their possessions。 And they could only become the good wives or the good girls who lived under the pressure of the male's domination。 They had to attach themselves to males in order to survive, and become the "angle in the house"。 Emma is a independent girl who wants to be the master of her own life and have the right to deal with everything in Heartfield。 She uphold the flag of feminism and women should have their own rights to think and decide what they want to do。 Although she has advanced thoughts but she thinks highly of social status of her friends, she will never make friends with the poor。 Feminism is somehow related to social class consciousness。

Su Gengxin④ from Beijing University holds that the most romantic love story in Emma happens between Jane Fairfax and Mr。 Churchill。 Mr。Churchill who is rich falls in love with Fairfax who was born very poor。 They ignore Churchill’s aunt’s disagreement trying to get together,however their marriage was indeed obstructed。 Finally, Jane Austen conceived a plot in which the aunt died, so that Mr。Churchill can easily live with Jane Fairfax。 Su Gengxin defined it as a writing intervention。

Take his idea into consideration, this study will try to find if there are some other interventions in Emma and through which to find out Jane Austen’s real thoughts of marriage and look at her feminism concept and class conscious from this point of view。


①  Shields Carol。 Jane Austen[M]。 London:Phoenix, 2003.文献综述

②  Hagan, John。 “ The Closure of Emma。” Jane Austen’s Emma。 Ed。 Harold Bloom。 New           York: Chelsea House, 1987。

















