③ Gillie C。A Preface to Jane Austen [M]。Hong Kong:Longman House,1974。

④ 苏耕欣。 爱情与惩罚:《 爱玛》 对于浪漫爱情的道德救赎。 Foreign Literature, 2013。

3。 The definition of writing intervention

3。1 The definition of intervention

Intervention usually appears in social events including economic intervention, humanitarian intervention, health intervention and etc。 According to Wikipedia, intervention is an attempt to compel a subject to "get help" for an addiction or other problems。 Economic intervention helps to adjust exchange rates, and health intervention promotes good health behaviour or prevents bad health behaviour。 That is to say, intervention is a kind of adjustment that holds a intention to help people overcome difficulties and make sure that everything goes smoothly, which reduce the risk of riot around the world in a macro-perspective and protect every inpidual from whatever perturbs him or her in a micro-perspective。 In other word, without intervention, things will exacerbate and aggravate, people will suffer more, and the world will be chaotic。 

3。2 The definition of writing intervention in Emma

Based on what we have just conclude, writing intervention in novel must be able to help the main characters surmount the obstructions that impede or retard them from achieving their success。 Novelists conceive their ideal characters。 When designing the the whole story, they will put the character into particular social relationships and concrete environment。 They speculate what the character will do and how he will do it according to his disposition so that they are capable of setting up various plots。 It is the basic way to extract and purify plots。However,sometimes the story goes exactly the way the novel want it to, sometimes, with the character’s disposition changed out of control, and theme of the story become uncertain and may the opposite to the original one, novelist has to interfere into the plot and make some adjustments。来*自-优=尔,论:文+网www.youerw.com

We can simply pide a plot into five parts。 First, congregation。 Second, the purpose of the character appearing in this plot。 Third, communication between the main character and other characters who resist the purpose of  the main character being in the plot。 Fourthly, the actions that the main character take for his or her own purpose, from which readers are aware of whether  the main character achieve his or her goal or not。 Finally, if the main character fail to achieve his or her goal, then the novelist should conceive a predicament for the main character。

Novelist create the image of the character through plots, and make their works trustworthy together with the main ethos at their age。 In order to achieve their goals and express their true feelings and thoughts, they help the main character to achieve their goals in the novel。 But with the purpose of attracting more readers and make the story more genuine, novelists set up so many traps and predicaments for the main character and let him or her overcome those adversities with their help。 More adversities means more opportunities for the main character to build his or her new personality。 As we all known, the main purpose of Emma is to evoke people’s awareness of feminism and Jane Austen’s attitudes towards marriage。 Emma, the main character grows up with her personality flaws gradually fading away, her personality changes a lot and the three marriages which are not supposed to happen happen in the end。 With Emma’s original thoughts of no marriage, Hariet’s refusal to Mr。 Martin and the objection of Mr。 Churchill’s aunt, how can the three marriages mentioned above happen? Austen must have put her writing intervention in her story。 Together with the five parts of the plot, we will try to find out where the writing interventions lie and analyze why Austen make these writing interventions。

















