Abstract Traditional English teaching methods have brought a lot of problems both for students and teachers, specifically, lacking of curiosity and interest towards English and causing damage to communication in real situation。 For this reason, Emotional Intelligence should be considered。 Under the framework of Emotional Intelligence, this paper explores the application of the Emotional Intelligence Theory in English teaching by introducing the significance of it and some rules the teachers should obey。 It aims to cultivate students’ ability of language and non-language in the process of foreign language communication and promote the improvement of communicative competence。73100


Key words: Emotional Intelligence theory; teaching method; middle school English class


毕业论文关键词: 情绪智力理论;英语教学法;中学英语课堂


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 The foreign research on the Emotional Intelligence Theory 2

2。2 The domestic research on the Emotional Intelligence Theory 3

3。 The Significance of the Emotional Intelligence Theory 4

3。1 To enhance students’ learning initiative 4

3。2 To improve the efficiency of students’ learning 5

3。3 To develop a good habit 5

4。 The Application of the Emotional Intelligence Theory in Middle School English Teaching 6

4。1 The preparation before class 7

4。2 The operation in class 8

4。3 The consolidation after class 8

5。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction

For students at the middle school level, because of their special physical and mental characteristics, the development of self-awareness and awareness of personal independence making a lot of high school students have emotional problems。 For example, middle school students experience negative emotions, or feel ashamed to seek help from parents and teachers, or use a sad, angry way to deal with some learning problems。 The reasons why so many middle school students have an emotional problem is the influence of Emotional Intelligence in addition to their physiological and psychological characteristics。 Many experimental results have proved that Emotional Intelligence can affect middle school students’ academic performance。 Therefore, researches on Emotional Intelligence theory have an important practical significance to enhance the English teaching in middle school。 Besides, for a long time English teaching pattern is teacher-centered, and based on vocabulary and grammar。 Students passively receive knowledge, so they cannot perform English smoothly even after many years of English learning。 The focus of our new curriculum reform is to pert too much emphasis on scores instead of students’ cognitive level and interest in learning from life experience and the new curriculum advocates task-based learning and teaching approach to pay attention to experience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchanges。 Therefore, after careful reflection, this essay indicates that Emotional Intelligence theory is a supplement for a traditional class system。文献综述

















