In modern times, “teacher-centered” and “students-centered” are two  main theory schools。 In 1980s, the theory “students-centered and teacher-leading” played a leading role, then it evolved into the “two subjects” in China in 1990s。 Until now, the relationship between teachers and students has more further and complex meanings, and has optimized much。

During the teaching, the teachers must notice the dynamic information exchange and take students as the main subject。 The classroom should be the place where students  can  study  and  cooperate  actively,  and  the  teaching  is   the  process      of

interaction (Li 171)。

The communicative approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence。 It also called communicative language teaching。 Communicative competence refers to the ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically correct sentences but also to know when to use these sentences and to whom (Hyme 72)文献综述

3。 The Problems in English Teaching

English is the second language for us so we can’t stay in an environment where people talk with each other in English。 Learners have no approaches to authentic English and that makes the class be the major room for us to learn English。 Since our class has become very important, there still exits many problems。 For the students, the lack of positivity and initiative makes them learn by rote for a long time。 They just do the drills mechanically。 For teachers, they seldom let students construct and development their knowledge by themselves。 In class, teachers teach while students listen and take notes is a common phenomenon。 More time is taken by teachers and less left for students。 All of these hinder the developments of students and  influent their interest in English。

3。1 Traditional teaching concept

Traditional teaching concept takes teachers as the only center, and students become the passive knowledge accepter。 Under this idea, teachers and students don’t have any actual communication, as well as the students to students。 If any,  it  only exits between teachers and students, while the communication between students just limit in desk mates。 The teachers are short of techniques and skills in oral and other ways of asking。 Their resources of creating interactive circumstances are also insufficient。 Teachers  don’t form the  consciousness  of  making  students  answering,来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

communicating and evaluating, against the “people-foremost” idea of new education reform。 There is only teaching but no response of students’ studying。 Also, the traditional “teacher-centered” theory embodies in error correction。 They blame students’ errors for the influence of mother tongue。 Once mistakes happen, it means the failure of study and the wrong way of learning。 In the research, we found that teachers correct students’ mistakes immediately in interaction between teachers and students or students themselves, which doesn’t conform to the tolerance of ambiguity in natural teaching method。 As we all know, the mistakes are inevitable in our learning, if teachers correct them once they happen, students’ thoughts will be interpreted。 Then the students will be embarrassed and anxious in speaking English, the class will also be quiet and boring。

















