Abstract Under the support of information technology, flipped classroom teaching has been used in junior high school English teaching in our country more and more widely。 Flipped classroom overturns traditional classroom teaching mode and brings fresh ideas to teachers and students。 This thesis firstly introduces the origin and concept of flipped classroom, and then explains Du Langkou educational model, which is earlier than flipped classroom but their teaching ideas are the same。 Under the background of a new round of curriculum reform of basic education, this thesis focuses on the application of flipped classroom in junior high school English teaching。 The discussion is about three aspects: flipped class, flipped roles and flipped feedback。 Then Du Langkou educational mode and flipped classroom are compared。 Finally, some suggestions on the application of flipped classroom are put forward。 The research of this thesis hopes to provide guidance for the application of flipped classroom in junior high school English teaching。74465

Keywords: flipped classroom; junior high school English teaching; Du Langkou educational model; application; suggestions

摘要在信息技术的支持下,翻转教学在我国初中英语教学中应用日益广泛, 翻转课堂的运用,颠覆了传统的课堂教学模式,给广大师生带来耳目一新的教学新思路。本文首先介绍了翻转课堂的起源和概念,接着阐述了早于翻转课堂但与其教学理念相似的杜郎口教学模式,课前用导学案预习,课上解答疑难问题。在新一轮基础教育课程改革的背景下,本文着重探讨了翻转课堂在初中英语教学中的应用,从课堂翻转,师生角色翻转和反馈效果翻转这三个方面分别进行深入的探讨。随后对杜郎口教学模式和翻转课堂进行了对比,最后对翻转课堂的应用提出了一些建议。本文的研究以期为翻转课堂在初中英语教学中的应用提供指导意义。



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review2

3。 The Concept of Flipped Classroom。。。3

3。1 The origin of flipped classroom。。3

3。2 The concept of flipped classroom3

4。 The Application of Flipped Classroom in Junior High School English Teaching。。。4

4。1 Early application: Du Langkou educational model4

4。2 Present application: flipped classroom。。。7

4。3 Similarities and differences between early application and present application。。。11

5。 Suggestions to Strengthen the Application of Flipped Classroom12

5。1 To strengthen the emphasis on flipped classroom12

5。2 To improve teachers’ overall quality。。。。。13

5。3 To improve the school teaching environment。。。13

6。 Conclusion。。。。。14

Works Cited。。。15

1。 Introduction 

With the continuous development of network information technology, flipped   classroom teaching mode has been developed, coupled with the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform in our country, so the application of flipped classroom in English teaching of junior high schools has become more and more extensive。 The earliest origin of flipped classroom is in senior high school in America。 The students often miss normal teaching activities for various reasons, resulting in many students can’t keep up with other students because of being absent from school。 Therefore, chemistry teachers in school let students watch videos about teachers’ explanation at home or outside class by recording videos, which is called learning after class。 When they go back to class, teachers and students communicate with each other face to face and complete homework, which is called answering questions in class。 Under this teaching mode, where time in class and outside will be readjusted and the right to decision-making power is bound to transfer from teachers to students, so they can take a more active in learning so as to get a deeper understanding。 Students need to finish autonomous learning about the content after class instead of teachers occupying time to teach information。 论文网

















