Abstract The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway’s outstanding works in his later years。 Because of its rich ideological content, it has been a hot spot for many scholars to explore, although the length is short。 The Old Man and the Sea is strongly endorsed by researchers, however, at the same time, it has been criticized by many critics for lack of description of women。 But when applying the iceberg principle to interpreting this novel, we will find female images, which are hidden under the surface of the water, waiting to be explored。 According to the iceberg principle, the old man’s tough guy spirit is only one-eighth above the surface of the water, while the seven-eighths are implicit ecofeminism。 Through the analysis of the relationship between women and nature as well as the relationship between women and the old man, this paper will dig out the awakening of women’s sovereignty consciousness under the oppression of the patriarchal hierarchy and women’s resistance to patriarchal hierarchy。74467

Keywords: The Old Man and the Sea;iceberg principle;ecofeminism

摘要 《老人与海》是海明威晚年的杰出作品,虽篇幅短小,但因其丰富的思想内涵,一直是很多学者探讨的热点。《老人与海》在受到研究者高度肯定的同时却也因为缺乏对女性角色的描述而受到了诸多批判。但当我们运用冰山原则来解读这本小说时,我们将会发现隐藏在水面之下的待探索的女性角色。依据冰山原则,老人的硬汉精神只是水面之上的八分之一,而八分之七则是隐含的生态女性zhuyi。通过分析女性与自然以及老人之间的关系,本文将探索出父权zhuyi压迫下女性主权意识的觉醒以及对父权zhuyi的反抗。 



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review1

3。 Iceberg Principle and Eco-feminism。。。。3

3。1 Iceberg principle。。。。。3

3。2 Eco-feminism 。。。。。。。。3

4。 The Relationship between Iceberg Principle and Eco-feminism in The Old Man and the Sea。。。。。。。。。。4

4。1 One-eighth of the iceberg—tough guy spirit in The Old Man and the Sea 。。。4

4。2 Seven-eighths of the iceberg—the ecofeminism in The Old Man and the Sea。。。5

5。 The Embodiments of Ecofeminism in The Old Man and the Sea。。7

5。1 The oppression of patriarchal hierarchy to women 。。。。7

5。2 Women’s resistance to oppression of patriarchal hierarchy8

5。3 The exploration of the relationship between men and women。。。9

6。 Conclusion

Works Cited。。。12

1。 Introduction 

Hemingway is an outstanding writer in American literature。 He is known as the representative of ‘‘lost generation’’, and has made great contributions to American literature。 Hemingway’s attitude towards women is always puzzling, because he has long been focused on shaping the tough guy image, ignoring the description of female。 And the men are encouraged by the spirit, female roles are either polarized or non-existent。 

In the era of Hemingway’s life, the patriarchal culture declines gradually and the female consciousness gradually wakes up。 So after the rise of the western women’s rights movement, all of the works which all have a strong male chauvinism are blamed for the lack of female views and the discrimination against women。 However, when we use iceberg principle to analyze this novel, we can find hidden female characters。 To find the information which is easily ignored by people, we need to analyze this novel more deeply。 What we can explore from the underneath seven-eighths part of the water is the feminism, to be precise is the ecofeminism。 The sea is not just a catching field for young fishermen, but also regards as a kind of human dignity。 It has grown up many fishermen like him and has taken a lot of disasters to them。 But this just shows the one eighth that we can see from the surface。 What’s more, we should explore the underneath seven eighths。 The sea is also regarded as a woman by Hemingway, which supplies people with abundant resources。 The little boy is not only a source of strength and spiritual comfort, but also regarded as a symbol of women who replaces the old man’s wife to look after the old man。 However, it is always ignored by the readers when they just read the novel from the one eighth icebergs, which needs to explore from the view of seven eighths iceberg。 From the relationship between the old man which is regarded as men’s epitome and the little boy which is regarded as women, we can analyze the gender relations under the background of the appearing of ecofeminism。 Previous works put emphasis on analyzing the role of men, ignoring the role of women。 This paper will analyze the ecological feminism in The Old Man and the Sea from a new angle of view。文献综述

















