Abstract Reading teaching is an important part of English teaching in primary school。To cultivate and improve students' reading comprehension ability is one of the main tasks of English Reading Teaching in primary schools。And cooperative learning is a kind of teaching theory and strategy system, which is the main form of group activities。The use of cooperative learning in English Reading Comprehension can break the traditional education which is an important guarantee to improve the teaching quality。We should promote students' cooperative learning and enrich the content and form of classroom cooperation。Through the rational pision of the group, the scientific arrangement of seats and the design of a variety of reading activities to cultivate students' English thinking and expression ability and to ensure high efficiency and quality of English teaching in the primary school。This study mainly focuses on how to optimize cooperative teaching and learning method and how to improve the efficiency of cooperative learning。 75190

Keywords: cooperative learning; English Reading Teaching in primary school;Teaching strategy;English class


摘要阅读教学是小学英语教学的重要组成部分,培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力是小学英语阅读教学的主要目的和任务之一,而合作学习是一种以小组活动为主要形式的教学理论和策略体系,在英语阅读理解课堂教学中运用合作学习理论,可以打破传统教育,是提高教学质量的一个重要保证。我们应该倡导学生合作学习,丰富课堂合作内容与形式,通过合理划分小组,科学安排座位,设计各种阅读活动等来培养小学生的英语思维与表达能力,保证小学英语阅读课堂教学的高效率、高质量。  本文着重阐述小组合作学习在小学英语阅读教学中的运用、如何优化小组工作的教学和学习方法以及如何提高小组工作的效率。

毕业论文关键词:小组合作学习 ;小学英语阅读教学 ;教学策略 ;英语课堂


1。 Introduction 1

2。Literature Review 2

3。Cooperative Learning Theory and Organization Form 5

3。1Definition of cooperative learning 5

3。2The principle and present situation of cooperative learning 8

3。3The scientific structure of cooperation group 9

3。4Organizational forms of cooperative learning 11

4。Problems in the Implementation of Cooperative Learning 13

4。1The unscientific construction of the group 13

4。2Analysis of causes of the problems 15

5。Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning 16

5。1Establishment of the purpose of cooperative learning 16

5。2Scientific pision of group 17

5。3Adequate preparation of learning materials 17

5。4Reasonable control of the frequency and time of cooperative learning 17

6。Conclusion 18

Works Cited 19

1。 Introduction 

    The theory of cooperative learning has been widely used in many countries and in many kinds of teaching activities。This creative and effective teaching theory and strategy system has a positive role in improving the classroom teaching atmosphere and students’ achievement。In May 2001, the State Council issued the on the foundation of education reform and development decision which pointed out that: We should encourage cooperative learning and promote mutual communication and common development between teachers and students which specifically mentions cooperative learning that we can see the importance of cooperative learning。The new curriculum standard advocates the new teaching idea, the new teaching method which requests to be able to pay attention to the students’ emotion and manifest the democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere。 As a hot and bright spot in the new curriculum reform,cooperative learning effectively promotes the development of students' subjective consciousness, helps to maintain and enhance students' interest in learning English, and is conducive to the cultivation of students' English ability。

















