Joyce tells the story in third-person point of view。 In the first paragraph, the narrator reports from a distance, as if he is sitting across the room from Eveline。 In the second paragraph, the narrator enters the mind of Eveline and reports the rest of the story from there, revealing the thoughts of the title character as she considers whether to remain home or go to Argentina to marry。 She reviews the events of her life, comparing the quality of her life in Dublin over the years with the quality of life she believes she would have in Buenos Aires。

First of all, I have found out the background information and get a brief idea of Eveline’s characteristics, and then analyze from different aspects。

Another problem lies in that there are not so many paper materials about Eveline in the library。 As a result, I have to search for lots of websites to download the materials referred both in Chinese and English, and then try my best to choose the relevant materials through comparison。 I may have to translate the Chinese into English if necessary。

1。4 Research approaches

In the process of doing the research about this subject, it’s high time for me to collect the information through reading a lot of books and documents about this topic。 In addition, I will conduct a detailed study through analysis of the comments of the journals related to "Eveline ", and use Internet to search information about James Joyce’s life and works。 

The methods are used as follows:  来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

1。 Literature method: To find and search for relevant literature review about Eveline, it’s better to go to the library and spend some time on the Internet。 Besides, I will go to access all aspects of theoretical knowledge, and accumulate large amounts of data, including various theories, novels, and the previous study etc。 It’s also necessary to understand some current experts’ comments on this topic and try to look for some innovated ideas。

2。 Historical-materialism analysis method: To analyze the previous studies, I tend to organize and integrate their ideas into my own understanding and views。

















