Abstract With the rapid development of new media and technology, great changes have taken place in school education。 As a new media technology, the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB) has powerful functions and interaction capabilities which not only attract teachers’ and students’ attention, but also innovate teachers’ and students’ concepts of teaching and learning。 Although English teaching has changed greatly under the influence of this new technology, there are still many teachers who can not make good use of it in the classroom。 Some teachers are fettered by old conventions and don’t want to use this media technology, and some even don’t know how to use it; some only confine to some certain functions of IWB; while others use it excessively, and become whiteboard “slaves”。 By analyzing the development course and current situation of IWB in school English teaching and the teaching advantages by using IWB, this thesis strives to explore ways to use IWB effectively in English teaching combining with the functions of IWB。75650

Keywords: Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB); English teaching; function; effective use




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 The development course of the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB) 2

2。2 The Current Situation of the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB) in School English Teaching 3

3。 The Teaching Advantages by Using Interactive Electronic Whiteboards (IWBs) 4

3。1 Integration 4

3。2 Interaction 5

3。3 Innovation 5

3。4 Flexibility 6

4。 How to Use Interactive Electronic Whiteboards (IWBs) Effectively in English Teaching 6

4。1 Using Spotlight and Curtain Functions 7

4。2 Using the outstanding Image Processing Function 8

4。3 Using advanced Writing Function and other Comprehensive Functions 8

4。4 Using the convenient Linking Function 9

4。5 Using the Audio-visual Rendering Function 10

4。6 Using the In-time Memory and Playback Function 10

5。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

A great reform of the school education has been brought out by the rapid development of new media and technology, especially the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB)。 The educational informationalization construction provides external conditions for students’ inpiduality and autonomy learning。 As a teacher, you can feel happy from the development of science and technology, because teaching is no longer a piece of chalk and a mouth of the world。 More and more media technologies are used in the classroom, and applied to the contemporary English teaching。 They make the classroom form which is a single and plain originally into a scientific and wonderful one。 The classroom teaching model, which formerly focuses on cognition, infusion and sealing, develops into a more multi-dimensional one。 As an English teacher, he or she should keep pace with the times。 He or she should learn to use these media and technology properly and effectively in order to enrich our classrooms, and make the classroom atmosphere more active, so as to promote students’ learning from boring to happy。 This thesis mainly talks about how to use the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard (IWB) effectively。 First, this thesis will summarize the development course and current situation of IWB in school English teaching。 Then, it will talk about the teaching advantages by using IWB and。 Finally, it is going to analyze the functions of IWB and offer some valuable suggestions on how to use IWB effectively in English teaching。论文网

















