Abstract Sense and Sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811。This article analyses distinct characteristics between the two sisters and their emotional experiences by contrast。 It shows the great difference between sense and sensibility。 Just as the novel’s title, sense should be mixed with sensibility, if you want to know how to find your lifelong happiness。   75866

Key words: distinct characteristics; contrast; Sense and Sensibility


毕业论文关键词: 个性差异;对比;理智与情感


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。Marianne’s View of Marriage 2

3。1 Marianne’s image created by Austen 3

3。2Marianne’s romantic entanglement between two gentlemen 4

4。Eleanor’s View of Marriage 6

4。1 Eleanor’s image created by Austen 7

4。2 Eleanor’s personality via language and nature 7

5。Enlightenment to the modern marriage 8

6。Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Jane Austen was a famous female writer of fiction。 She was born on December 16,1775。 Her father was a local church parish pastor。 Although Austen did not go to regular school, she received home education by her father’s literature book collection。 Austen was crazy about those popular novels, which really broaden her horizon。 She started writing when she was 20 years old and published 6 novels。 论文网

 She published Sense and Sensibility in 1811, which was her maiden work。 And then many great works came one after another, for example Pride and Prejudice(1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1816), Northanger Abbey(1818),and Persuasion(1818)。Sang Thought that Temple (also names Sang To think Monastery) and Advising (1818) was published the second year after she passed away。 

From the end of 18 century to the early 19th century, “the sad novel” and “the Gothic style novel” flooded the British literary arena, but Austen’s novel destroyed the old and established the new。 She lived at the turn of the century, which witnessed a tremendous change of the British society。 Austen’s novel appeared in the early years of 19th century。 People started to doubt and had no faith in the Enlightening thoughts。 At that time, people seemed to change their literature taste。 Put it another way, people began to dislike realism, brutality or even satire。 Under such a literary and social background, Jane Austen had her own voice in English literature。 Although its work reflection’s breadth and the depth are limited, her works like “two inches ivory carvings” 。They had profound significance in the British novel’s history and were also honored as the status “to be possible treated as an equal with Shakespeare”。

Austen was never married during her whole life。 Fortunately, the two sisters in her novel Sense and Sensibility had their happy ending。 Because she lived in the country clergyman family, her works were mainly about young women’s love choices and their confusions。 Her unique angle to see what people cannot see reflects the process of the alter of the opinions about the marriage。 As we all know, Austen’s novel Sense and Sensibility exists two sisters named Eleanor and Marianne。 Under the great master Jane Austen’s pen, Eleanor and Marianne had two distinct personality traits。 Eleanor represents sense while Marianne represents sensibility。 After their father’s death, the family is forced to move to a country cottage。 Eleanor has a crush on the refined and gentle Edward Ferraris without knowing that he has already engaged。 Meanwhile Marianne neglects the attention of the sincere and honest old man Colonel Brandon, but lets Willoughby in。 The comparison between the two sisters’ personalities is finally settled as both find their happy ending。  文献综述

















