The novel describes Clarissa, the heroine's main activities in a day in London, beginning with her buying flowers in preparation for the dinner party until the end of banquet at midnight。 Taking Clarissa as the core, with the banquet as the tie, the novel depicts the state of minds of many kinds of people。 During the day, Clarissa starts to be suspicious of her life。 She feels a little uneasiness about the life on the surface。 The apparent rich material life cannot get rid of her inner emptiness and loneliness, and she could hardly find her own space。 Therefore, when she looks in the mirror, she begins to feel a kind of fear。 There seems to be an invisible claw in her heart that she could not see the direction, so she is under a kind of unprecedented pressure which she cannot break away from。

Through the delineation of Clarissa's one-day activities, the writer reveals women’s dilemma and awkwardness in the patriarchal society and expresses their wish of getting away from it。 Although lots of researches have been done on Woolf's social criticism in terms of dissecting the characters, insufficient attention has been paid to interpret Woolf's eco-feminism consciousness in this novel。 Such a research situation considered, this thesis probes the female characters' oppression and subordination under the patriarchal society in the novel and does a thorough examination of Woolf's eco-feminism consciousness。

Eco-feminism is a movement that sees a connection between the exploitation and degradation of the natural world and the subordination and oppression of women。 It emerged in the mid-1970s alongside second-wave feminism and the green movement。〔。。。〕from feminism the view of humanity as gendered in ways that subordinate, exploit and oppress women。 (Mellor 1) So, under the patriarchal system, both the natural world and women are subordinated, exploited and oppressed by men who represent patriarchy。 However, eco-feminists also hold the perspective of deep greens that humanity is not just reliant on its physical environment, but that the natural world, including humanity, should be seen as an interconnected and interdependent whole。 (Mellor 1) To some extent, this helps eco-feminists reduce their predicament and supplies human beings ways to rethink the relations with the natural world and with their own species。

This thesis interprets Mrs。 Dalloway from the perspective of eco-feminism on the basis of text analysis。 It is composed of six parts。 The first part briefly introduces Virginal Woolf and the main content of the novel Mrs。 Dalloway and the theoretical framework of this thesis。 The second part is about some research situations both at home and abroad on this novel。 The third part analyzes the oppression and subordination of the patriarchal society to female characters and the natural world。 The fourth part elaborates the female characters' awakening of self-consciousness and living situations as well as their revolt against the patriarchal society。 The fifth part supplies the ways to deal with the relations with man and woman, human being and the natural world, enlightening the harmonious relations between human beings and nature。 Based on the above parts, this thesis concludes that only human beings free from the patriarchal society, can they live in harmony with their own species and the natural world。  文献综述

2。 Literature Review

Since its publication in 1925, Mrs。 Dalloway has been interpreted by many scholars and critics both at home and abroad from various perspectives。 

With regard to Woolf’s mental illness, some critics interpret this novel from psychoanalytical point of view。 For instance, Mou Fanghua (33-37), in her “The Depth of View, Life is far from ‘truth’—Woolf’s Psychological Reality from Narrative Strategies of Mrs。 Dalloway”, analyzes a series of technologies and narrative features and proves that through the proper application of these narrative strategies, Woolf expresses the character's psychological world, and thus successfully expresses aesthetic thought of her "psychological reality"。 

















