Abstract Tennessee Williams is a famous and successful American playwright。 Among his works, it can be said that A Streetcar Named Desire is his greatest success。 Social and cultural characteristics in the period of the civil society and cultural tradition in the United States can be observed in this work。76313

The thesis tries to use this literary aesthetic dimension of expression and practical theory to interpret the desire of the main characters in the play and the author’s writing desire and motivation。 The desire of characters express the mapping relationship among the desires in author’s life。 The creation of the play’s desire is that he is eager for social tolerance towards his sexual orientation,  and this kind of desire is doomed to fail in that social background。 So, the thematic metaphor of A Streetcar Named Desire can be generalized as the tragedy of desire, is the embodiment of the contradiction between the literary creation of the social reason and the inpidual。

Keywords: Tennessee Williams; A Streetcar Named Desired; marginal characters; desire; tragedy 





1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 The Theme of A Streetcar Named Desired 3

3。1 Desire 3

3。2 Tragedy 4

3。3 From desire to tragedy 4

4。The embodiment of the theme in the characters 5

4。1 Blanche’s desire and tragedy 5

4。2 Allan’s desire and tragedy 7

5。 Author’s Desire and Tragedy 7

5。1 Author’s desire and tragedy 7

5。2 Analysis of author 8

6。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction

As won the New York Drama Awards, the Pulitzer and the Donaldson Award three American drama industry awards works, representatives of outstanding American playwright--Tennessee Williams wrote A Streetcar Named Desire which with the profound theme of metaphor and complex characters and superb artistic features that attracted a highly academic attention。 So far, the value of the research still has enduring charm。论文网

The story took place in American New Orleans slum Paradise Street after the World War II 。 The heroine Blanche is a downfallen Southern noble offspring。 She fell in love with a young and romantic poet named Allan and married when she was 16。 Subsequently, she accidentally found that Allan is gay。 She could not understand her husband and condemned his actions in a dance party。 Her husband’s pride was fatal damage。 Eventually he escaped from the reality with a bullet by the lake。 The collapse of the ideal world made Blanche lose herself。 She was filled with guilt feeling because of her husband’s death 。 It never rains but it pours, was about to catch up with her 。 With the cruel reality of disaster and helpless emotional life , Blanche chose to escape and indulgence。 As a middle school teacher, she seduced a seventeen year old boy and was expelled from school。 Trying to forget the unhappy experiences, Blanche alone came to New Orleans and find her sister Stella。 In the industrial areas in New Orleans with the materialistic dirty social background, the past of Blanche was exposed one by one by Stanley。 Finally, while his wife was hospitalized to give birth to her children, Stanley raped Blanche。 Although Stella believed her sister, for themselves’ and their children’s survival, she chose her husband and sent Blanche to a mental hospital。 So far, Blanche’s illusory world and the desire is pushed to the brink of collapse。

















