2。2。2 Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

Vygotsky proposed the famous ZPD assumptions。 He thought: The psychological development of children had two levels: first level is the actual level of development; the second is the level of potential development。 When children are in someone’s help or cooperating with partners to solve the problem, they would show the level of psychological development, and the difference between these two levels is called ZPD (Vysgotsy 38)。 In a word, ZPD means a space between the current development and the potential development of kids。 Therefore, the teaching should be prior to the development of children so that to create the zone of proximal development and prompt children to reach the level of potential development。 In the two levels of dynamic interaction process, children’s psychological level develops from low to high constantly。 Children cooperating with each other in the ZPD can show the more advanced than any single activity。 Different students can make good for deficiency in the cooperation, deepen understanding of the problem and improve the quality of learning。论文网

2。2。3 Social Exchange Theory

In a cooperative group, the members possess different levels of wisdom, knowledge structure and mode of thinking, which contributes to mutual enlightenment and supplement。 And in the crash of the communication, they can create a new insight and complete learning tasks together with the collective force (Kafka 1935)。 In Cooperative Learning, students don’t need to worry about the failure and intension of study, nor hold the teacher’s authority in awe。 They have a common goal and provide the motivation for each other, which makes them encourage each other, assist each other and love each other。 Teacher use aggregate performance as an award to influence the students actively with the pressure of group who have poor motivation, perseverance and responsibility。 By doing so, the motivation of study would come in to being, which improves learning results。

3。 The Significance and Necessity of Cooperative Learning in Writing in Junior High School

As a kind of out-put language skill, English writing occupies an important place in language applied ability。 However, English writing teaching is a weak link for teachers, and students also feel it is one of the difficult points。 Traditional product approach has many flaws, for example, the teachers always pay more attention to students’ final products quality and be accuracy of the article wording, which leads to neglecting the whole process of writing。 In fact, when it comes to writing, many students turn pale at the mention of a tiger, lose confidence and even produce a feeling of fear。 So how to improve students’ ability of writing is a problem worth pondering。

3。1 The significance of Cooperative Learning in writing

The new curriculum standard point out that cooperation is the important way of learning。 Under the guidance of teachers, carrying out group activities orderly is an important classroom teaching method。

First, Cooperative Learning can stimulate creativity, and it is helpful to cultivate students’ cooperative consciousness and skills。 Second, Cooperative Learning is conducive to communication between students and the development of team spirit。 Students have different backgrounds, different experiences and views of things in a different way。 Cooperative Learning can help students have more chances to expose their ideas and share each other’s point of view。 So it is effective to apply the Cooperative Learning to writing。 And the following will focus on the present situation and mode of English writing。

3。1。1 The present situation and features of English writing

With the purpose of drills, English writing teaching is intended to improve students’ ability of expressing ideas fluently through the written language。 Writing is a mental activity, which is peculiar to human and reflects the intention and motivation of writing objectively。 

















