3。2。3 Referring to foreign materials and localizing excellent teaching materials 12

Chapter Four Conclusion 14

References 15

A Brief Analysis on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Bilingual Teaching in Primary School

Chapter One Introduction

1。1Definitions of bilanguage and bilingual teaching

Bilanguage in English directly means two languages。 According to the definition of the famous British Langman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, published by LangMan press, a man who can use two languages will use a foreign language in the course of his daily life and equivalently use his native language in listening, speaking, reading and writing。 Of course, his knowledge and ability of using mother tongue are usually stronger than the second language。 The bilingual talent refers to people who are able to skillfully use two kinds of language to communicate, work and study。 

Bilingual teaching originates from some immigrant countries and multicultural countries to help immigrants and refugees to integrate into the local society by using two ways of languages as the medium in class in North America in the 1960s。 In terms of its original intention, bilingual teaching means a kind of language policy of multicultural countries。 论文网

According to the definition of the bilingual teaching in Langman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, the teachers can use the second language or foreign language in the teaching of different subjects。 In other words, the bilingual teaching can make the students’ foreign language or second language close to native language level through the teaching and the environment after several stages of training。文献综述

For bilingual teaching, the two questions need to be clarified。 First, the bilingual teaching means using two languages as teaching media。 It achieves the goal of mastering the language through the study of subject knowledge。 Second, bilingual teaching promotes the interaction between teachers and students, and it helps students to achieve the goal of mastering a foreign language by learning。 It definitely dose not to means listening to the teachers in the classroom from beginning to end in the process of a foreign language teaching。 

This thesis mainly discusses the English-Chinese bilingual teaching which is called E-C bilingual teaching。 E-C bilingual teaching means that in class, the teachers are able to skillfully use two languages Chinese and English for the teaching and communicating in class。

1。2 The necessity of bilingual teaching

Bilingual teaching is a teaching model meeting the development demand of time and society, which is supposed to be an indispensable component of our basic education reform。 

The trend of the reform and development of the curriculum in the world is actually the integration of curriculums。 In the new round of domestic curriculum reform, it is clearly proposed that, “about the curriculum structure, changing the situation of subject-centered orientation, overmany subjects, and lack of integration, integrally designing a nine-year curriculum categories and period proportion and setting up integrated curriculums, so as to meet the development demands of different regions and students as well as to reflect the proportionality, comprehensiveness and selectivity of curriculum structure”; “about the curriculum implementation, changing the situations of overemphasizing reception learning, rote learning and mechanical training, advocating students’ active participation, exploration and diligence, as well as cultivating students’ abilities of gathering and processing information”; “about the curriculum management, changing the situation of excessive centeralized management; to carry out the country-district-school three-level curriculum management model, so as to enhance the curriculum’s adaptability to district, school and students。”来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















