4。3 Bilingual education in primary school lays a good foundation for students’future。10

   4。4 Bilingual education contributes to teaching contents11

   4。5 Bilingual education can bring a very good improvement for teachers。11

Chapter Five The key measures of primary school classroom reform and innovation 。。12

5。1 In the bilingual class, the students are more interested in learning language 12

5。2 Bilingual Class in the primary school adhere to the combination of listening and speaking, and to listen and to speak12

5。3 Bilingual Class in the primary school combines the environment and thesituation 12

5。4 Bilingual Class in the primary school reflects the subjectivity of students 13

Chapter Six Conclusion 。14

References 。16

The Application and Impact of Bilingual education Cooperation in Primary school Chapter one Introduction

1。1 Background

 Along with the world economic integration, our country has entered the period of “Eleventh Five Year Plan”。 With the world economic globalization, China has accessed into the WTO。 Because of this, large and medium-sized coastal cities are facing severe talent competition。 There is an urgent need to train a large number of high-level and high-quality the talent。

In the traditional English class, teachers do not pay attention to students as the main body of the education mode and they take “cramming method of education” blindly。 The traditional education methods are unable to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students’ interest in learning, and cannot meet the need of students。 In recent years, “Bilingual education” has become a very popular form in primary school teaching。文献综述

1。2 Significance 

“Bilingual education” is a very popular early language education form in recent years。 Bilingual education can make up for the defects of the traditional education methods in a certain extent。 In the bilingual education in the classroom, teachers take English as the medium of instruction, including some non linguistic disciplines, so that students are fully immersed in the English atmosphere and students can speak more English。 Bilingual education improves the students’ ability and shapes the excellent students of all-round development from all aspects。 At the same time, bilingual education during the primary school lays a solid cultural foundation for students on the road to a longer development。 Bilingual education can provide students with more listening to English and practicing spoken English opportunities by changing the form of classroom education activities。 The most important is that the education mode of bilingual education can better help students build and maintain the internal learning motivation, promote student learning and enable students to really fall in love with English。

Bilingual education is an inevitable outcome of contemporary society and is the inevitable choice of internationalization for China and the rest of the world。 The benefits of implementation of bilingual education in China as following: Firstly, to improve the level of foreign language education; Secondly, to cultivate the international talents in general; Thirdly, to increase cross-cultural exchanges and learning opportunities; Fourthly, to meet the needs of modern network information technology and enhance the students’ job advantages in primary school education。 The stage of the child is the golden period of language learning when their language learning ability is very strong。 This lays a physiological foundation for bilingual education。 Education language in this golden age is all the double。 In the different periods of the primary school, the role of bilingual education is different。 In the Grade One, students learn the Chinese and English languages at the same time。 Through colorful activities, bilingual education creates the interesting bilingual environment for students to learn English。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766- Bilingual education enables the students to master the correct pronunciation of the two languages, cultivate listening and speaking interest and enables students to understand and use simple courtesy with cultivation of civilized behavior。 From Grade Two to Four, Bilingual education is to stimulate students’ application of Bilingual communication interest and to improve students’ ability of using bilingual flexibly, to cultivate students lively and cheerful and to develop students’ confidence and generous personality。 In the Grade Five and Six, three kinds of English abilities include “listening, speaking, reading” in bilingual education。 Listening and speaking are the main parts while reading is a supplement。 Bilingual education mainly develops the thinking of students with two kinds of language, expression and communication skills。 So that students can communicate creatively with people。 Furthermore, to improve students’ ability of feeling the bilingual literary work, bilingual education cultivates the students’ polite personality traits of confidence and open。

















