3。2。1 Chinese’s poly-chronic time concept

     Chinese adopt the poly-chronic time system, for the China, an agriculture society, is known for the integration。 Chinese advocate that we should develop the habit of planning several matters at the same time, and also doing these things together。 For example, the salesclerk can settle accounts with the first customer, meanwhile he can fetch out the goods to show to the second consumer。 And even he would say hello to the third one。 Most Chinese consider whatever the things they do, each step of the action they take is determined comparatively by the surroundings。 The whole thing in the world develop and transform with the change of time, and the arranged work will be disturbed easily by other things。 So they prefer more flexible and more elastic way to do things。

     In China, there is much less appointment time before meeting。 Friends or relatives will go to visit each other by their own thought without fixing time。 In some official departments, the staff can chat, read newspaper on their work time。 The work needn’t done in the first day。the staff can choose do it in a second day。 These situations will never happen in America。

3。2。2 Americans’ mono-chronic time concept

     The Americans are accustomed to doing only one thing in a certain time, so they will plan schedule carefully and thoughtfully in advance。 Therefore in the American society, calendars, schedules, diaries and annuals play an important role in people’s life。 To some extent, time extremely controls the social activities of people and decides what to do or not to do at any moment, what must be done first, and what should be done finally。 Just as Hall said, in the Western world, nobody can get rid of the control of mono-chronic time system。 In reality, social life and business life, even the sexual one are all in the control of time。 Time makes the people’s total life net。” (Edward 20) Americans get command of the clock tightly。 This could be found out from the business activities through the cross-cultural communication too。 Americans like to deal with things on the basis of time table。 For some business people, their schedules are full of time about meetings, banquets etc。 No wander that some American regard themselves as the slave to nothing but the clock。 

     Time does not only control American people’s everything, but also coordinate interpersonal relationships。 

     If you want to invite someone to dinner, you had better send the invitation in advance, at least one week before。 Or you will be possibly refused。 Time is like a room。 Closing the door means to protect the privacy of inpiduals; at the end of the fixing time, the room must be vacated for the next appointment。 Who does not comply with the rule is regarded as a man self-centered and without politeness。 The majority rules for them are not taught definitely, but they play a crucial part in intercultural communication。

     As the Americans cherish time so much, they believe:

     “Time is money。”

     “Punctuality is the soul of business。”

     “Time works wonders。”

3。3 Past-time orientation and future-time orientation

     The importance of time relies on the different view of people’s origin culture。 “Time is one of the fundamental bases on which all cultures rest and around all activities revolve” (Edward 179)。 They are differences how cultures handle time。 Time was measured by seasons, darkness and daylight。 Nowadays time is more important and complex than in the past。 Kluckholn and Strodtbeck identified three types of culture: present orientated, with little attention to what has happened in the past and what will bring in the future; past orientated cultures have a high sense on traditions like to their ancestors, traditionalism, family and aristocracy; future orientated cultures with a high value in changes have a more desirable development in economic and social scales。 

















