2。2 Chinglish Teaching 6

2。2。1 Outdated Chinglish Teaching 6

2。2。2 Defects of Chinglish Teaching 6

2。3 English Teaching 6

2。3。1 Brand-new English Teaching 6

2。3。2 Defects of English Teaching 7

2。4 Necessity of Bilingual Teaching 7

Chapter Three Explanation of Bilingual Education 9

3。1 Theoretical Foundation of Bilingual Teaching 9

3。2 Concrete Measures 9

Chapter Four Conclusion 12

References 15

The Necessity of Bilingual Education in Primary School English Teaching

Chapter One Introduction

This chapter is the introduction part, mainly introducing the reasons for selected topic of this paper, definition of bilingual teaching, the implementation purpose and significance。

1。 1 Reason for the Selected Topic

Primary school English is the foundation for students to learn English。 Hence teachers must attach importance to English teaching in primary school。 English is one of the basic curricula of the primary school。 In English teaching, teachers should help students master the basic English knowledge and skills, which play key roles in teaching activities。 At present, in primary English teaching, out of imperfection of hardware facilities and weakness of teaching strength, some schools in rural regions still adopt the ancient mode of ‘E-C’; rural schools attach much more importance to book knowledge, ignoring good oral environment for students, instead, which makes their learning process gradually rigid。 And in some developed regions, things are totally different; they adopt all-English teaching, which provides all-English oral environment for students。 But for children who contact in English, they cannot be totally immersed in the language。 Hence, it is necessary to add certain Chinese guidance。 In bilingual teaching, the proportion of two languages needs to be reasonably allocated according to the actual conditions of students。 Teachers cannot just adopt Chinglish teaching nor adopt all-English teaching without considering the conditions of students。来~自,优^尔-论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

The Bilingual teaching means teachers properly use both Chinese and English language in class。 The use of bilingual teaching, of course, is not a balance use of English and Chinese in English class, but functions as planned according to the actual situation of the teaching in class。 At first light, I’m afraid this formulation for most people is difficult to accept。 The traditional grammar-translation method has been attacked by many people since China has imported situational method and communicative approach 10 to 15 years ago。 The interference of mother tongue in foreign language teaching has been a taboo in the circle of foreign language education, and people are more used to regarding the whole English teaching as the basic requirements in English teaching。 It can provide students the most real and natural language environment to form a good language habit。 In fact, either in theory or in actual, there is no doubt that all-English teaching is still a debatable issue。 This article will combine the contemporary application of linguistic research achievements and the specific circumstances in our country to prove the necessity of using bilingual teaching in classes。论文网

1。2 Definition of Bilingual Teaching

The so-called bilingual teaching refers to education that takes two languages as the teaching language, one of which is the mother tongue of students。 In our country, bilingual teaching mainly adopts one foreign language as the class language and gives lesson through Chinese。 At present, most teachings adopt English。 In class, it requires to make knowledge illustrated with correct and fluent English but cannot get rid of Chinese so as to avoid obstacles。 From where I stand, I think it is necessary to adopt bilingual teaching in English class。 

















