Abstract Sister Carrie is a famous naturalistic novelist—Theodore Dreiser’s first novel in the 20th century。 It tells a story of a young rural woman Carrie Meeber how to become a popular Broadway actress from the bottom of society, and the story vividly depicts the survival state of Carrie Meeber。 The paper focuses on analyzing Carrie Meeber’s view on love from the aspects of family factors, social context and her own desires。 The results obtained in this research include that it is impossible to find out real love in the mere material relationships。 The obtained results will bring enlightenment to modern Chinese women who are in pursuit of love, marriage and happiness。 79661

Keywords: Carrie Meeber; view on love; modern Chinese women 

摘要 《嘉莉妹妹》是20世纪著名的自然zhuyi小说家赛奥多·德莱赛的第一部小说。它讲述了年轻的乡村女孩嘉莉·米贝如何从社会底层成为百老汇当红女星的故事,生动地描绘了嘉莉·米贝的生存状态。本篇论文从家庭因素、社会环境和自身欲望三个方面简要地对嘉莉·米贝的爱情观进行分析。最后得到的结论是:理想的爱情在纯粹的物质关系中是不可能找到的。对当代追求爱情、婚姻和幸福的中国女性来说,这项研究会给她们带来一些启发。




2。Literature Review2

3。The Analysis of Carrie Meeber’s View on Love in Sister Carrie。。。4

3。1 Family factors。5

3。2 The social environment。。。7

3。3 Carrie’s own desires for materials。。。9

4。 Conclusion。。10

Works Cited。。12

1。 Introduction

Theodore Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, on August 27, 1871, the twelfth of the thirteen children。 His gentle and devoted mother was illiterate; his German immigrant father was severe and distant。 From the former he seems to have absorbed a quality of compassionate wonder; from the latter he seems to have inherited moral earnestness and the capacity to persist in the face of failure, disappointment, and despair。 Dreiser as a youth was as ungainly, confused, shy, and full of vague yearnings as most of his fictional protagonists, male and female。 In this as in many other ways, Dreiser’s novel is direct projections of his inner life as well as careful transcriptions of his experiences。论文网

As an itinerant journalist, Dreiser slowly groped his way to authorship, testing what he knew from direct experience against what he learned from reading Charles Darwin, Thomas Huxley, and Herbert Spencer, those late-nineteenth-century scientists and social scientists who lent support to the view that nature and society had no pine sanction。 Dreiser also read heavily in Balzac, Hardy and Tolstoy, whose views complemented his own。

Sister Carrie (1900), which traces the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G。 W。 Hurstwood, was Dreiser’s first novel。 The heroine of the novel is Carrie Meeber, who leaves her rural home to try her fortune in Chicago。 She meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman on the train。 After arriving in Chicago, she finds a job in a shoe factory, but the poor income and hard work oppress her imagination。 She quits the job, lonely and distressed, and she becomes Drouet’s mistress。 When Drouet is away on a business trip, Carrie falls in love with George Hurstwood, a married manager。 Hurstwood and Carrie elope to New York, and live together for more than 3 years。 In these 3 years, as Hurstwood declines, Carries develops。 To earn money, she becomes a star from a chorus girl to a famous musical comedy by her own efforts。 Meanwhile, Hurstwood sinks into a beggary and suicide。 In spite of her freedom and success, Carrie is still lonely and unhappy。文献综述

















