The novel's connotation is rich and deep and we are unable to make a comprehensive analysis only from one aspect。 So this thesis will analyze the novel from three themes: The Reality of Anthropocentrism Theory, the theory of the survival of the fittest and The Expectation to Return Wilderness。 It will study deeply about Jack London's criticism and expectations on society at that time and the novel's philosophical contents。 The thesis also warn modern people that social development must ultimately return to humanity, back to nature, if one want to develop healthily,he must hold on his own efforts and adaptation。

3。 The Reality of Anthropocentrism in The Call of the Wild

According to the novel's a variety of life situations what in fact is Jack London`s true portrayal of life experiences, in late 19th century, the society was full of humanity alienation, lack of faith, depression and ecological imbalance。 The novel makes deep explanation on anthropocentrism which prevailed in the entire Western at that time by analyzing Buck's experience。 It proposes humanities warning on the potential crisis of the rapid expansion of capitalism。 It reflects author's all sorts of social concerns at that time, proposes human beings should abandon the anthropocentric concept, symbiotic balance between man and nature is the eternal social development of the Road。 

3。1 The introduction of anthropocentrism

Western anthropocentrism has a long history, the earliest Declaration is Protagoras' speaking that “Man is the measure of all things, the existence of things is the presence of scale, but also what is not there is no scale。” Kant said that “people is the goal”,(Immanuel 95)it made the completion of anthropocentric theory。 The completion of modern Western industrial revolution promoted the concept of anthropocentrism from the practical aspect。 Human's ambition becomes larger and larger, they expand the living area, possess more natural resources and so on。 it reached its peak in the early 20th century 。。。文献综述

Anthropocentrism emphasizes that people do anything should from the perspective of the interests of people, everything is for people's interests。 In the relationship between man and nature, it emphasizes the human rights of nature, places man and nature in opposite positions, it considers human is higher than any other living beings because of their rationality and intellect, so God gives people power to make human beings become the center of all things in the world and the master of the universe。 (Duan 96)But London questions the humanity and showed many kinds of human evil in The Call of the Wild。 

3。2 Buck's misery brought by human beings

Characters in the novel has a violent dislocation with humanity's noble and perfect which put up in anthropocentrism(London 27)。 It collapses the idea of the excellence of humanity by many pictures of violence。 Driven by money and interest, Buck was cheated and bought into the north, then, he had to take sticks lessons。 Its resistance only exchange for a more brutal beating。 It was difficult for him to accept to be imprisoned and mocked, however, to be alive, he had to learn obedience。 After becoming a sled dog, he found that the dog-drivers only care about their own interests, when a dog lost his value, they would shot him without any hesitation, there were even some dogs on the way down, they just cut down their heads and went on moving。 Buck kept running and ignoring the cold and hungry, though his toe crevices were full of nuggets。 

When gradually adapted to the hard labor, Buck became fierce and cunning, he did not believe love or friendship any more。 To survive, Buck learned to steal, to please their owners and to seize leadership。 After experiencing with the Charles', he had more suffering then before。 The family cared little about the dog team's physical exertion, they had no planning about this long travel。 Buck was saved by Thornton when he experienced his most badly hurt, Thornton's meticulous care made Buck to believe love once again。 However, Thornton was killed at last, the last glimmer of hope for Buck was also deprived, eventually he rushed into the wilderness。来:自[优.尔]论,文-网 +QQ752018766-

















