Abstract Movie is the carrier of culture。 The film Gua Sha tells a story about Datong who experiences success and crusher of the American dream。 To a large extent, this reflects Chinese get a lot of troubles in foreign life。 However, these maladjustments are caused by the different cognitions。 This article mainly expounds culture differences in film Gua Sha from Conceptual Integration Theory。 First of all, this article combines the plots in the film to state Chinese and American cultural differences from legal attitude, medicine, hero views and parenting, and then analyses the causes of conflicts from Conceptual Integration Theory。 Finally, it gives some reasonable suggestions to reduce cultural conflicts and promote cultural integration。80952

Key words: conception integration theory; legal culture; different medicine; hero view; parenting




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Cultural Differences Reflected in Film Gua Sha 2

3。1 Different attitudes toward law 2

3。2 Different medicine 5

3。3 Different heroism 6

3。4 Different parenting 7

4。 Causes for These Cultural Differences 7

4。1 Attitudes analysis 7

4。2 Medicine analysis 10

4。3 Heroism analysis 11

4。4 Parenting analysis 12

5。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1。 Introduction

 Gua Sha is one of the most successful films that reflect Chinese and American cultural conflicts。 The film focuses on whether Datong abuses Dennis or not and mainly describes the living conditions of the Datong family in America。 At the beginning, their family is very happy and the game, designed by Datong, wins an award。 At the awards ceremony, Datong says excitedly: “by struggling, my American dream finally came true。”

However, happiness is broken。 Due to Dennis’s diarrhea, grandfather who can’t understand the English instruction uses skin scraping to relieve grandson’s pain。 Yet American people believe Dennis suffers from family violence because of his back’s bruise。 So they charge Datong with abusing children。 At last, thanks to boss visiting China, the misunderstanding is cleared。 Thus this paper will analyze the cultural differences in film Gua Sha

2。 Literature Review

Since the film Gua Sha was on, a lot of scholars have analyzed the causes of conflicts from different viewpoints。 By searching “the film Gua Sha” in Chinese Journal Full-text Database, I find there are forty-six related articles including eighteen articles from Core Journals, Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index and Science Citation Index。 All these articles analyze the film from different perspectives。 For example, according to Guo Xing, “cross-civilization studies which emphasize on heterogeneity between different cultures have become a worldwide academic。” (Guo 82) So he studies the film Gua Sha from heterogeneity。 As for Wang Yuxiao, she analyzes the film in this way: “the pursuit of face is not only universal but also relative。 And different cultural backgrounds decide different view of face。 Different view of face showing in the film is the embodiment of cultural conflict。” (Wang 90) So she studies the film from the view of face。 Liu Yuanzhi studies the film in such a way: “the film Gua Sha is full of ethics and human relationship。 The study of this film should under the different concept of consciousness and different value ideas。” (Liu 96) However, by searching “film Gua Sha and Conceptual Integration Theory” in CJFD, I find none of them use Conceptual Integration Theory to analyze the film。 So this paper will make a further analysis on the film from Conceptual Integration Theory to make up for the shortage in this area。论文网

















