Abstract The Great Gatsby tells the story about the hero Gatsby’s failure on his way to make his American Dream become true。 Scholars at home and aboard study this novel from the beginning, the development and the destruction of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby。 In this paper, the American dream and the disillusionment of the American dream are pided into two parts to analyze。 The American dream is pided into “Rich dream” and “love dream”。 The reason of the disillusionment is pided into Inpidual Elements and Socials Elements。 Through the analysis of the “American Dream” to find the spiritual crisis behind the prosperity of the United States and to study what it is and how it forms。 81621

Keywords: American Dream; Disillusionment; Reason; Mental crisis

摘要《了不起的盖茨比》讲述的是主人公盖茨比为追求自己的美国梦而最终牺牲了自己的故事。以往,学界从美国梦的开始、发展和破灭的过程对作品做出了许多方面的分析。本篇论文将美国梦及其破灭的原因分别分为两个部分进行分析。美国梦分为金钱梦和爱情梦,破灭的原因则分为自身的原因和当时社会环境的影响。通过分析“美国梦”的破灭,力图剖析美国社会浮华背后精神危机的本质以及其的形成原因。 毕业论文关键词:美国梦;破灭;原因;精神危机


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。1 Pursuit of Wealth 3

3。2 Pursuit of Love 4

4。 The Disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream 6

4。1 Inpidual Elements 6

4。2 Socials Elements 7

5。 Significance of Gatsby’s Tragedy 7

6。 Conclusion 8

Works Cited 10

1。 Introduction 

Fitzgerald Francis Scott (September 24, 1896–December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined。 He is an outstanding writer in the American literary world in 1920s。 He is one of the most talented writers in the history of American literature。 His novels reflect the disillusionment of American Dream after the First World War; make the people at that time feel confused。 This novel describes the impact of war on the social climate in the United States。 The Great Gatsby is regarded as one of his best works。 Critics generally regard it as a novel about the American social reality in the twenty’s。 They often talk about the disillusionment of the American dream。 Many critics think this is a classic of the American dream。 Gatsby does not understand the real role of wealth in the real society because he was born in a poor family。 He never give up the pursuit of daisy, even if there is a gap between the rich and the poor。 Through Gatsby’s tragedy, the author reveals the rule that “the American Dream” will burst。 Vividly represent the ruthless of Jazz Age and the society’s indifference and selfishness。论文网

The Great Gatsby is a very profound and moving novel。 The Great Gatsby tells the story of a young man’s pursuit and burst。 This is a novel which is full of tragedy。 In the history of Western Literature, this is a subject that is often repeated。 However this novel is different from other classical novels。 The difference between them is that The Great Gatsby, this novel contains the author’s experience of American life。 The writer wrote the story in such a novel which is full of tragedy。 The writer’s lyrical and sentimental writing style is also got the perfect embodiment in this novel。 Gatsby, an outbreak, he is a man who is unethical。 He has a game with Tom but end in failure。 This love dream still is shattered because all of them pay too much attention on the power of money。 This also shakes American people’s money and the success of the dream from a new point of view。 The whole novel, it seems that only Gatsby had failed, but in fact it is not accurate。 The contemporary American society is in fact the same。 Society has been staged such a failure。 In the end, the thesis comes to a conclusion that the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream is unavoidable。文献综述

















