Abstract Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding writer in American literary history。 His masterpiece, Sister Carrie, aims to study Carrie’s characteristics from her pursuit of happiness。 The thesis focuses on the analysis of the transformation of Carrie in the pursuit of material, including the change of objective of the struggle and her characteristics and explores the causes of the change of Carrie from the social environment, characteristics, natural appearance and the influence of other characters。 The thesis aims to arise people from their dreams and let them know that the material wealth and spiritual fulfillment are equally important to get happiness。81735

Keywords: Carrie; material possessions; Spiritual fulfillment; change

摘  要德莱塞是美国历史上著名的作家。嘉丽妹妹被公认为德莱塞作品中的杰作。小说主要通过分析嘉丽妹妹对幸福的追求探索嘉利妹妹的性格及命运。本课题通过嘉莉获取物质满足之前和之后的生活状态和精神世界的对比,在发现其转变的过程及结果的基础上,探究影响嘉莉妹妹命运转变的原因。本课题着重分析嘉莉妹妹在物质追求上的转变,包括她奋斗目标的转变及性格的转变以及从社会环境,性格,外貌资本和其他人物入手,探究了造成嘉莉妹妹命运转变的原因。本文意在告诫人们:仅有富裕的物质生活并不意味得到真正的幸福,物质财富与精神财富一样重要。

毕业论文关键词: 嘉莉;物质财富;精神财富;转变


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 The changes of Carrie 3

3。1 The change of objective of the struggle 3

3。2 The change of Carrie’s characteristics 4

4。 The Causes of Changes of Carrie 5

4。1 Social environments arise opportunities 5

4。2 Carrie’s characteristics 6

4。3 Carrie’s natural appearance 6

4。4 Other characters make Carrie vainglorious 7

5。 Conclusion 8

Works Cited 9

1。 Introduction

     Theodore Dreiser is one of the greatest writers in American Naturalism。 As a representative of his work, Sister Carrie express his naturalistic pursuit through the description of the corrupt and ugly capitalist society of the United States at that time and the criticism of the traditional moral principle of twisted。 Because it explains the darkness of the American society at that time。  As his works appeared in the literary world, it produced a strong reaction。 Carrie become the classic image to be analyzed by the literary critics。论文网

     Sister Carrie tells the story of a young country girl in the two cities, Chicago and New York, make a living wandering from place to place。 Among them, including her emotional entanglement with two men and in the pursuit of wealth and success on the road of all kinds of adventure。 From a country girl to a Broadway star and poverty to extravagant, along the way, Carrie had the earth shaking changes in the material life and the spiritual world。

     Carrie, with the naive and hopeful heart, taking on the train to Chicago。What she had then were one ticket and four dollars, and had no idea what exactly she could get in the city。 When she first arrived at her sister’s house, she is disappointed at the narrow, humble, and poor-furnished flat and her sister’s strained life。 Her only relative, her sister Minnie, could not act as a caretaker and even not a companion。 Her sister’s home was not a real home for her, and she was even required to pay for her board there。 So as soon as she arrived in Chicago, she was in the whirl of deficiency。 Her situation of deficiency became worse when she lost her scantly-paid job because of her untimely cold。 During that situation, her sister and brother-in-law wanted her back, because she can not afford the four dollars rent。 However, her failure to find another job in the prosperous city almost called an end to her dream to live in the city。

















