Carrie, a 18 year old girl , is poor。 Her poverty is not only reflected in the material world, but also reflected in the spiritual world。 Carrie's life is dull and boring。 With the desire to improve the economic situation, she went to Chicago alone and wanted to move closer to the upper class。 As Carrie's material life changes, her spiritual life is changing, including the transformation of her goals and her character。 She mistakenly believed that material prosperity would bring her happiness, which also led to her final tragic ending。文献综述

     The impact of social and natural factors on Carrie is the main reasons dominating her, and these factors are found in Carrie’s tragic fate。 She is permitted to live in her sister’s house only on the condition of paying four dollars per week for her room-and-board and when she can not afford that, her sister and brother-in-law refuses to take her in。 In addition, the outside environment has great influence on her is great。 She can not fulfill her desire of living happily with such little money by honest hard work。 And she knows clearly that hard work would not make her become a rich person。 Carrie lives in cities like Chicago and New York。 Luxurious life in those cities lures her。 In face of the poverty and the richness, she chooses the latter。 Her endless lust for comfortable and abundant life drives her to be two men's mistress。 Against material comforts, the morality carries little weight。 


2。 Literature Review

     The appearance of Sister Carrie drew a lot of attention of other writers。 The former learner has a lot of famous studies of the cause of change of Carrie’s fate in Sister Carrie。

    Abraham (1991) thought that one of the roots of the tragic life of Sister Carrie was that Carrie became the victim of the instinctive desire。 Carrie came to Chicago because of the yearning for happiness。 She saw her poverty from Drouet’s clothes and knew what kind of talented people were rich。 Carrie’s desire was burning from his fashion clothes and bulging wallet。 Finally, she was caught in the endless pursuit of desire。 Abraham believes that desire is out of need。 Carrie is controlled by a feeling, which is uncontrolled and unsatisfied 。 She was eager to get all the good things in life。 However, her desire is endless。 when a desire is satisfied, she started to pursue new desires。 Because the happiness of meeting the desire is short-lived, which is destined to be forever in the pursuit of her pain。来;自]优Y尔E论L文W网 +QQ752018766-

   Donald (1991) stated that Sister Carrie paid more attention on Carrie’s change。 He used the "trilogy" to summarize the changes in the material life of Carrie。 At first, she turned from a poor country girl to Drouet's mistress。 And at that time, the Masonic which Drouet belonged to is performing a “fund-raisng Play”。 She is out of poverty, and lived a life of ease。 After that, she met Hester Wood,who is more rich and elegant than Drouet。 In order to live a more comfortable life, Carrie left Drouet, and turned into the mistress of Hearst Wood。 In the end, she came to New York became the hottest female star on Broadway。 Since then, she has lived a life of luxury。 In this trilogy, she has been influenced by other people and the main effect is from her two lovers。 It can be said that without them, Carrie's story will be rewritten。 

















