The nonverbal behavior plays an important role in the communication。 Cooper said, “Nonverbal behavior is very vital to teachers; the teachers’ nonverbal behaviors are related to the attitude of students” (326)。 If teachers learn how to use more effective nonverbal behavior in class, the rapport between lecturers and students will be improved and students’ cognitive ability and schools’ efficiency will be improved。 Firstly, the significance of nonverbal behavior is the combination of language teaching and language environment。 Secondly, nonverbal behavior explains the misunderstanding caused by the differences between English and Chinese。 Thirdly, nonverbal behavior can simplify the teachers’ language, so teachers may have a lot of time do exercises。 Finally, new English curriculum standards require teachers to pay attention to students’ senses。 Nonverbal behavior is expressive and visible。 It can stimulate the students’ learning mood and motivate teachers’ classroom teaching。 Communication between teachers and students is two-way in the dynamic process of classroom。 It can mutually transfer information and communicate feelings。 So, nonverbal behavior can achieve emotional communication and improve the quality of teaching。 The Silent Language was published in 1959, and it describes the relationship between time and space in the cross-cultural communication。 As a rule, the nonverbal behavior is complementary of verbal behavior。 However, language scholars and communication scholars who study the communication of language behavior and nonverbal behavior think that language behavior accounts for 35% in the whole communication。

II。The Relevant Concepts of Nonverbal Behavior

2。1 The Concept of Nonverbal Behavior

Different people have different opinions in the nonverbal behavior。 E。 Sapir thinks that nobody can decide whether nonverbal behavior is appropriate for people, but everyone can understand well-designed codes。 Zhu Zhixian thinks that in social communication, body language refers to people use hand gestures, postures, facial expressions and other nonverbal behaviors to transfer information, exchange emotion and increase attention (662)。 Guan Shijie regards the nonverbal behavior as ‘nonverbal language’ and he thinks nonverbal behavior consists of all communication signs apart from language communication (22)。 Nonverbal behavior refers to all the things were produced by human and environment, and the sender and receiver have the potential value of information or meaningful stimulus。

2。2 The Classification of Nonverbal Behavior 来:自[优E尔L论W文W网 +QQ752018766-

American psychologist Mela Bien Albert draws a conclusion that the total effect of information equals to 7% of the text + 38% of the tone + 55% of the facial expressions。 Information is conveyed through 7% of the languages and 93% of nonverbal behavior (Judy 16)。 Therefore, nonverbal behavior has a non-substitutive function during the process of obtaining information。 Abercrombie David said, “we speak with our pronunciation organs, but we use the whole body to talk” (W 76)。 Samovar also thinks the signals of body language are issued by the human actions and the signals can reach 70 million (169)。 On the basis of the survey, in the classroom, communication between teachers and students consists of static silent communication, voice communication and dynamic silent communication。 Static silent communication mainly refers to that the teachers can achieve the purpose of organizing teaching and strengthening classroom management by adjusting their position in the classroom, such as standing on the platform and standing in the aisle。 Voice communication refers to that teachers can make use of speech tone, stress, volume, etc。 to manifest their own ideas and thoughts。 Dynamic of nonverbal communication refers to that teachers can mainly make the best use of bodies and gestures to achieve communication between students and teachers, such as nodding and thumbs。 American scholar Kolb Cooper pides the nonverbal communication into eight types between teachers and students: close distance, spatial arrangement, environmental factors, utilization of time, teacher’s costume, body language and vice language。 He believes that nonverbal behavior has the following functions: apply regulations, respond and emphasize, indicate attitude and emotion, guide and control the dialogue between the students and teachers, control classroom, etc。 Social psychologists believe that all nonverbal sounds and actions can be used as a means of communication。 Teachers’ nonverbal behavior is ubiquitous in the classroom。 Teachers’ nonverbal behavior can promote the relationship between teachers and students。 Simply speaking, nonverbal behaviors include body language, space language, class language and real story。

















