Krashen suggests that the onset of formal operations induces greater inhibition, thus learners tend to obtain less input and to make less effective use of the input they obtain (121)。 It is also hypothesized that the defensiveness associated with inhibition discourages the risk-taking which is necessary for progress in foreign language learning。 

2。2。2 Relational Factors

(1) Empathy 

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another being (a human or non-human animal) is experiencing from within the other being’s frame of reference, i。e。, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position。 There are two conditions to produce empathy: realize or know about one’s own feelings and equate oneself to others。 Empathy does not mean that one has to give up own viewpoints and emotions and agree with others。 It can lift inpiduals out of existing thinking patterns so that they can make objective and just evaluations about themselves and others around them。 Empathy is one of the critical factors to help get well along with others and language is a vital means for its development。 When we communicate with another person, we need to properly judge his or her emotional state by empathy, otherwise it can lead to a failed communication。 According to Schumann, empathy is necessary to every aspect of foreign language learning, especially to communication in a second language。 Learners need not only to know about listener’s emotional state but to rely on interlanguage, an imperfect inpidual language system, to communicate。 When they express their minds, language barrier may prevent them from making proper judgement。 So it is unavoidable for them to misunderstand others during the process。 Under this circumstance, learners is in dire need of their teachers’ empathy while teachers may sometimes forget their own experience of learning foreign language and be too hard on learners’ mistakes, which will influence teaching effect obviously by leading to emotional crisis in the class and strengthening the effects of learners’ inhibition。 (Wang 45)。 Therefore, in the process of foreign language learning, it is essential to understand, support and help each other between learners and between learners and their teachers。 Furthermore, teachers should provide learners guidance from different perspectives in order to help them have a correct understanding of foreign language learning, which plays a critical part in eliminating learners’ psychological barriers。

(2) Communication Between Teachers and Students来:自[优E尔L论W文W网 +QQ752018766-

Foreign language classroom serves as both a place where learners learn language from their teachers and a special social context where they communicate with each other。 The process and effect of foreign language learning and teaching can be largely influenced by affective relations between learners and between learners and teachers under such circumstances。 Foreign language teaching activities are not one-way informative flow but activities in which teachers and learners jointly participate to acquire knowledge and know about the world。 First, teachers should teach learners knowledge and learning strategy, stimulus their inner motivation of learning language to promote their comprehensive development。 Second, teachers can adjust teaching and improve morality immediately according to learners’ feedbacks。 Furthermore, different levels of learners can identify more and know about each other through cooperative learning, thus decrease learners’ anxiety and increase confidence。 In order to create a foreign language learning atmosphere which is democratic, equal, relaxing and pleasant, teachers should help learners to be diligent, modest persons who are ready to help others and give them free rein to show themselves and decide by themselves in some teaching steps。 Besides, teachers should give learners more encouragements and praise and less criticism and words of ridicule。 Finally, the relationship between learners and teachers will be more harmonious and better teaching effect will be achieved if teachers can make themselves a good example by having the courage to admit their mistakes and keep improving themselves instead of being paternalistic。

















