摘 要:《西部放歌》是一首旋律优美,以讴歌西部大开发为主题的男高音歌曲,是西部大开发标志性文艺作品,有着鲜明的时代意义。歌曲属于三部曲式结构,以陕北民歌信天游为基调创作而成,无论是旋律还是歌词都极具民族特色,对传承中国民族音乐具有一定意义。全曲大气磅礴,高亢豪放,倍受青睐。文章从曲式结构、旋律风格、语言特征等方面阐述了《西部放歌》多元化艺术特征和鲜明的时代主题特征。结合理论实际,以合理的音乐分析与审美为支撑,完成了作品分析。27917 毕业论文关键词:《西部放歌》;信天游;民族特色
Analysis of characteristics of song singing in western art
Abstract:"The western singing" is a beautiful melody, in song as the theme of the west development tenor songs, is a symbolic literary works of the development of the western region, has a distinct sense of The Times. Song belongs to the trilogy type structure, creation is fundamental key with northern shanxi folk songs basic interests, both in the melody and lyrics extremely national characteristics, the Chinese national music has a certain significance. All songs, aka high unconstrained popularity. Articles from the formal structure, melody style, language characteristic aspects this paper expounds the "western singing in persified artistic features and distinct theme of The Times. Combining the reality of theory, supported by reasonable analysis of music and aesthetic, completed the work analysis.
Key words:"Western singing"; Free as a bird; National characteristics
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、歌曲《西部放歌》简介 2
(一)创作背景 2
(二)作者介绍 2
二、歌曲《西部放歌》的音乐特征 3
(一)曲式结构 3
(二)旋律风格 4
三、歌曲《西部放歌》的语言特征 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10