摘要:初中音乐第二课堂活动的开展是对课堂教学的补充和发展,也是促进学生学习的一个有效途径。但是,在通过以周口市二十二中为例的调查了解中,发现还存在着不够全面、系统、规范等等问题,由此引发了一些思考。并提出了一些针对性的建议,来完善音乐第二课堂活动。通过实地调查和问卷调查的方式,证明音乐第二课堂活动开展的可行性及必要性和它对音乐教育发展的促进性。27916 毕业论文关键词:周口市二十二中;音乐第二课堂;教育现状;对策
Investigation and thinking of the second classroom activities of junior middle school music
-- Taking Zhoukou as an example
Abstract: The development of middle school music second classroom activity is the supplement and development to the classroom teaching, also is an effective way to promote the students to learn. However, in the case of Zhoukou City twenty-two, as an example of the investigation, there is still a lack of comprehensive, systematic, standardized and so on, which triggered a number of thinking. And made some suggestions for improving the music second classroom activities. Through field investigation and questionnaire survey, it is proved that the feasibility and necessity of music second classroom activities and its promotion to the development of music education.
Keywords: Zhoukou twenty-two middle; music second classroom; education status quo; countermeasure
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、周口市初中音乐第二课堂开展概况 2
(一)周口市二十二中音乐第二课堂调查 2
(二)音乐第二课堂调查情况的具体分析 3
二、 对初中音乐第二课堂的思考和建议 5
(一)影响初中音乐第二课堂活动的因素 5
(二)初中音乐第二课堂开展的现实意义 5
三、开展初中音乐第二课堂活动的建议 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10