摘要:曲剧《李豁子离婚》是经久不衰,影响深远的艺术经典,剧中以真实的情感表现真实的生活,用生动的语言和脍炙人口的曲调,展示出民间艺术浓郁的地方性色彩。通过自身实习对李豁子形象的演绎,使李豁子立体的展现在自己的脑海里,为自己以后的戏曲表演有了更深远的影响,也使自己对中国曲剧艺术有了更全面的认识。41740 毕业论文关键词:曲剧,《李豁子离婚》,人物形象,实习演出
The Quju < li > Li Huo Zi Huo Zi porce figures shaping personal stage stage -- Based on speech
Abstract: Quju Opera Li Huo Zi of the porce are enduring, influential classical, drama with real emotion is real life, with vivid language and popular tunes, demonstrating strong local color of folk art. Through their own practice on the interpretation of the image of Huo Zi Li, Li Huo Zi of stereo display in my own mind, for their own future opera performances had a more far-reaching impact, also makes quju Opera art to China have a more comprehensive understanding.
Key words: Quju Opera, Li Huo Zi of the porce, Characters, Practice perform
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、曲剧《李豁子离婚》的产生及发展历程 2
二、曲剧《李豁子离婚》中李豁子人物形象的分析 3
(一)相貌丑落 3
(二)勤劳心善 3
三、我对李豁子人物形象的理解与塑造 4
(一)表演前准备阶段 4
(二)表演过程中 6
(三)表演后的反思 7
参考文献 9
致 谢 10