    关键词  室内设计  空间设计  简约  人文关怀       
    Title    “Humane care” in the moment minimalist living space Design reflects                     
    People are fundamental in interior design, all we do is designed to human design. Present, domestic and international interior design trends focus is also in the 'people', both 'humane care' on the current theme. Contemporary society, people living in the fast-paced work environment, home, need a warm and comfortable home to relax, rest. Not just rest the body, as well as spiritually. The nature of the interior design is to improve the quality of the living environment, designers should focus on people's emotions, to meet their needs. At the same time to do these, as a designer in the adoption of the necessary material and technical means to meet the requirements, we must also pay attention to compliance with the principles of affordable, which is also part of the "humane care", "humane care" is modest, but also It is simple. But simple does not mean simple, we should be careful to do all aspects. From space, color, function and then to the material, we are focused on the need to focus our attention. Through the details to create a natural, intimate sense of belonging, so that the feeling of home flowing in space.
    Keywords  Interior design  space design  simple  Humane Care
     目   次  
    1  绪论• 1
    1.1 研究背景1
    1.2 研究目的及意义1
    1.3 研究内容与方法•1
      1.3.2 研究方法•1
      1.4 国内外现状与趋势•1
    2 “人文关怀”的内涵与体现•1
    2.1 人文关怀的内涵1
    2.2 人文关怀在室内空间设计中的体现•1
    3 简约范畴下的风格思考及定位  1
    3.1 关于简约的思考   1
    3.2 风格定位及原因   1
    4 北欧简约风格  1
    4.1 北欧简约风格形成的因素 1
    4.2 北欧简约风格在室内设计中的特点及表现1
    5 本方案中的人文关怀和简约的具体体现1
    5.1 在空间中的体现1
    5.2 在色彩中的体现1
    5.3 在材料中的体现1
    5.4 在功能上的体现1
    结论  1
    致谢  1
    1  绪论
    1.1 研究背景   
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