

    在汽车业“节能环保”之风劲吹、新能源汽车成为行业发展未来方向之时,长久以来的高档车销量冠军宝马推出i 系列电动车。与其他一些在新能源规划上采取保守战略的车企不同,宝马在新能源汽车领域的步伐较为激进。 




    How to change the life of science and Technology (environmental protection) - I BWM series display design

    Abstract: This paper shows related issues involved in the design of space image and virtual reality technology are discussed, and strive to create a unique image of the display, and the use of VR cutting-edge technology show BWM I Series in the future life in the creation.

    In the automotive industry, "energy saving and environmental protection" of the wind blowing, the new energy vehicles become the future direction of development of the industry, and for a long time the luxury car sales champion BMW launched I series of electric vehicles. With other car companies in the new energy plan to take a conservative strategy, BMW's new energy vehicles in the field of the pace of more radical.  

    I series was founded as a new sub brand, from scratch R & D I3 and I8, BMW to "born electric" proud. BMW believes that the I series is a landmark innovation models. The company believes that only fully in accordance with the characteristics of the power driven design and development of new electric vehicles, in order to truly achieve the original intention of electric travel - the sustainable development of the automotive community. To this end, BMW is not willing to pay big bucks to build I series high performance batteries and carbon fiber material cost is expensive. As can be seen from the I series, BMW in the new energy strategy is a pursuit of the perfect ideal.

    The BMW I3 especially the development of the driving linkage technology, increases the dynamic landmark function, with path planning and the available travel, helps the driver to choose the optimal path, at the same time, the system will inform the driver whether need to charge, and available near the charging station information.


    封面 1

    摘要 2

    一、绪论 4

    1.1 研究的目的与意义 4

    1.2国内外研究的背景及发展情况 4

    1.3 研究方法与手段 5

    1.4 研究思路 5

    二、视觉形态的暗示                                                        6

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