
    如今的滨水景观已经不仅仅是体现出一座城市的重要形象,同时也是这座城市的文化缩影。但是由于设计时缺少对地域性的重视,结果盲目的照搬照抄设计方案,带来了城市形象的负面影响。而今在全球经济发展的推动下,我国经济建设也大大提高,加快了城市扩大的速度,在城市建设的这股热浪中,给城市滨水区的景观设计带来大量开发与实践的机会。在这样的机遇下,设计出景色优美、功能多元、并能展示出不同历史文化与民俗风情的滨水景观则显得意义非凡。 因此,对城市滨水区的建设与塑造成为日渐匮乏的城市特色的一种重要探索,通过对地域性滨水景观的打造来展现城市的独特历史风貌不失为一种出彩、成功的设计。47262



    毕业论文关键词: 滨水,地域性,场地现状,亲水,人文,生态

    Ningbo yaojiang riverside park landscape design as a whole


    Today's waterfront landscape is not only reflects a city is an important image, is also the cultural microcosm of the city. But due to the lack of attention to regional, when the design results of blindly copying the design scheme, brings the negative impact of the city's image. Now under the impetus of the development in the global economy, China's economic construction has greatly improved, has accelerated the speed of urban expansion, in the heat of the construction of the city, for urban waterfront landscape design brings a lot of development and practice opportunities. Under such opportunities, design beautiful, functional persity, and can show different historical culture and folk customs of waterfront landscape is significant. Therefore, the construction of urban waterfront and shape become increasingly scarce city features an important exploration, through the building of regional waterfront landscape to show the distinctive historical style and features of urban design of can yet be regarded as a brilliant and successful.

    The project for the base bar plots, ground strip distributed in the north of yaojiang, total area is about 17.6 hectares, about 2.6 km coastline length, excellent open river view, as opposed to a remote south, is advantageous to the rich base function persity and increase the economic base and landscape value.

    In the design of full respect for the status quo of the site condition and carries on the reasonable use of transform, use of the existing topography and three-dimensional bridge, architecture, such as characteristic shop surround close out the multi-level space, on the basis of injection curve elements, hope that through this design to build a beautiful, vibrant, humanistic and ecological waterfront landscape leisure space.

    Key Words:Waterfront,regional,field situation, hydrophilic,the humanities,ecology 


    一、项目解读 4

    1.1.1区域分析 4

    1.1.2社会背景 6

    1.1.3现状分析 6

    1.1.4气候条件 7

    1.1.5城市文化 7

    1.1.7机遇与挑战 8

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