





    毕业论文关键词: 校门设计;校园文化与地域文化;人性化;协调统一;功能合理性

    Design of Shanghai university campus gate

    Abstract: The image and the cultural of a university is uaually is associated with the school gate design.

    The University front door is known as the campus space sequence, and it is also an important part of the campus environment and urban landscape. Anyhow,the image of the university school gate plays an important role,and it is directly related to people's first impression of the school.

    Nowadays,the campus gate is a very significant landscape facilities in the campus culture of colleges and universities.It's notjust about the campus' historical background.It depends on the regional culture,the school's campus culture background,and the unique style ofeach school as well,playing a key role to the college to people's first impression .

    With the accelerated pace of urban construction,a powerful lot of designs are surrounding us.When we wake up every day ,the design is all around us.From the toothbrush design to the apperance design of office buildings,the city we living in is becoming more and more modern.As a block of urban construction ,colleges are also making such progress absolutely.Whlie we step into different colleges,standing in front of the colleges gates,they give us the first impression

    of the college.A good, unique campus gate design will undoubtedly enhance campus hard power, and intentionally or unintentionally affect teachers and students in campus. Therefore, a good campus gate is undoubtedly one of the conditions to determine the quality of a university.

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